Shelbell's Baby Diary

Decided to get hubby to do a bump pic without clothes coverage. Stretchmark shocker! I had stretchmarks already from being so big and from having Al, which is why they aren't dark, they are old ones.


Look at you!! You are STUNNING! Seriously great bump and stretchmarks are character building! lol shows our devotion to our babies and changing our shape. ((Hugs))
When you look at your previous pic on your siggie the difference in you is amazing and you should be so proud hun. Well done for doing a bare bump pic! I must admit I've looked in the mirror recently and wondered about one, but my flab hangs below my bump and peeves me off! lol
PG, what you can't see is that I'm holding up excess skin with my hands, and whats left of my apron is hidden by my pj's ;) I'm just trying to work out where my bum has gone to! Think it's somewhere behind my knees.
you look fantastic your bump looks so tidy mine is huggggggggggge
Oh my lord only 1 week to go. Am slightly excited, but mostly terrified. Am so scared of making the same mistake I did with my son, which led to him having a pneumothorax etc. I've made my birth plan very clear that it is a huge concern for me, and have got hubby well rehearsed on what I need from him, but it is terrifying.
My midwife still hasn't mentioned a birth plan so I wouldn't be waiting for her! There are lots of websites with guidance on how to write one, and it only has to be simple ;)
my MW team never mentioned birth plan either. Or at all with my first so time to get thinking what you do and don't want / like Kirsty. :)

Shel - one week!! :) I'm sure 2nd time around things will be very different and if you make the team aware of your feelings they'll be ultra supportive and helpful ((Hugs)). They won't want you stressing either.

Time is certainly flying by and will feel so much more 'real' to us all when you have your LO in your arms!! xx
my mw said she will discuss birthplan next visit not seeing her till a week on wed that will be 3weeks maybe last visit
Had what I thought would be my last hospital appointment today. Just a chat with the consultant who is covering me as my consultant is now on leave until after the induction. Despite keeping me waiting for 2 1/2 hours lol he was a lovely man, and I feel a lot more reassured.

He wants to see me Friday to examine my cervix and do a membrane sweep :eek: before the induction on Monday. That way we'll know if it will be a straight forward break waters and on the drip or a more prolonged prostin affair. Fingers crossed for a ripe cervix!

They did some monitoring while I was there as movement has slowed down considerably over the last couple of days. All ok, and showed 6 BH's in the 15 minutes I was hooked up. Been getting lots yesterday and today. Quite glad as I hadn't had any for weeks.
Shel that is SO positive!! I'm so pleased for you, especially about the sweep - whilst not pleasant I think it's much prefered to give it a go eh!
AMAZING to think you'll be having your baby! OMG I'm just too excited for you! :D
Also really pleased that bump acted well for the monitoring and BH were registering.. glad I'm not the only one getting them so frequently! I've been really worried. lol

Will your OH post and let us know when you've had baby? Or do you fancy having my mobile number so you can let us know? Hope you don't mind my asking I would just love to hear all is well when baby has arrived. x x
He won't post but if you want to pm me your number I'll add you on to his text list!

Consultant said that if they can break waters Monday morning, we're only looking at 5-6 hours total labour :D With my son it was 4hrs19 from waters breaking but I had had one dose of prostin beforehand. Hopefully because it's my second my cervix should be open enough, as it never truly closes again after giving birth.

He was so nice, I was in tears explaining about the problems I had with my son's birth and how it was worrying me about Monday, and he was lovely about it all. He's on labour ward Monday so he'll be the one around on the day. He said though that if he were my consultant i'd be going another week before induction lol so kinda glad I had my consultant up till now, even if her bedside manner is a little lacking!

My husband told him about my gastric bypass surgery and he was gobsmacked, said he'd never have guessed I was a surgical weight loss patient :) Always nice to hear!
Have pm'd you. :)

Aww he sounds like the consultant you want on the day, but your consultant sounds like a 'no-nonsense' type who is willing to induce earlier, so win win situation for you really!
How lovely he sounds about your feelings and prev surgery too. :)

I was 4.5 hours after having my waters broken with Erin - from 3cm that was - and to be honest was ready to push within an hour - long story. lol
I didn't realise the cervix doesn't close completely after you've had a birth though.. does the plug just get bigger? You're a mine of information Shell! ;)

While we're talking info, does regular braxtons indicate things are more likely to 'happen' for me this time? Feel like I'm asking you to consult a crystal ball but am hoping that the amount I've been having will 'help' when my time comes. lol
Not sure to be honest. All women have regular Braxton Hicks from quite early on (around 26 weeks I think) but often don't feel them, so it may be that you are just more sensitive to them. But the engaging that you're getting is a good sign, beanyboy here still hasn't bothered to do that!
I'm mentally boiling water now ready for that birth Shel. Hopefully Nic will let us know how you are on Monday. Can't wait

Ah well will be interesting to see. never felt any BH with Erin but this time is sooo different! lol
Wow! Time certainly has flown, not even 5 more days now til you have your induction. Glad to read things have progressed for you though Shel. I can't believe I've been here for weeks, it just shows time flies and that each due date that comes around isn't that far away.
Oooh ooooh I think I had a show this morning. Certainly passed a LOT of mucous, but it wasn't very bloody? Didn't get that far with Al so not 100% sure. Hope so cos that would mean my cervix is ripening which would mean break waters instead of prostin on Monday and make the sweep more likely to be effective :)

Sweep at 12 today :eek: but got things planned all morning to keep busy.
Sweep was fine, didn't feel a thing :) It was a show this morning, and cervix is good and ripe and he said it will be easy to break my waters :) fingers crossed things start off before then but if not atleast it should be a quick induction and labour :)
Ooooo ooooooo! how exciting!

You must be well pleased!

Thinking of you, will be looking for your updates