evening, glad the hospital went well

, had a similar prob with meds last time I lost weight never thought to reduce the dose of it till it started giving me side effects strangely I don't take it at all now even thougth i put the weight back on
Hope you have a lovely evening with hubby, its good your putting time aside for each other xxx
Hi Mandy, I have been on so many meds since I first developed psoriasis over 40 years ago and then there's my underactive thyroid and my diabetes and cholesterol and on and on lol...and none of them have ever made me feel as bad as the Acitretin do...when she first put me on them I got 3 days in and everything was sore, my face my tongue, my gums my nose, my lips and swollen too and to top it all I was having regular nose bleeds and most of the time my mouth was so sore it was a struggle even to drink anything let alone eat, but after less than a week, my psoriasis had completely cleared up. But as I couldn't sustain the level at which I was taking the tablets, the flare ups started again and to be honest seem worse than before. Just prior to starting them, I was having chemotherapy for it, but that aggravated it too and I had to stop the treatment half way through....I would be happy if it were to settle, not necessarily even clear up, so I will keep my fingers crossed that as I lose more weight the dose will lower and won't have to work so hard to clear it up :fingerscrossed:
Had a lovely evening with Mal, we walked to our local pub, and even though we live in a highly populated area and not some little village, our local has that feel about it. I was good and just had a glass of pepsi and went mad and had a slice of lime with it, not my normal lemon :giggle: oh and loads of ice, Mal had a nice Brandy and then we walked home again and have just watched Zookeeper, not hilariously funny but good enough to keep us happy, was nice cuddling up to watch a film again, not done that in ages....so we are making date night a regular feature xxx
Have a lovely night :candledinner:
Please don't give us all the details
Ooops sorry already did up there ^^^^ :giggle: hahaha xxxx
I don't know how I missed that I am sorry Lily. I didn't see it when I read through earlier

do I have a brain between my ears I am beginning to wonder

:bighug: it would be lovely if they get the meds just right and no more flare ups

I would give everything I own to be free of the flare ups, I dread them, I also dread night times when my feet get hot (diabetes does that) and then they get really itchy, I have to take antihistamines most nights and they seem to take forever to kick in, the itching drives me nuts :sigh:
Heyos Lovely Lily - look I made it here two days in a row, are you stunned?
Glad the hospital appt went okay and good stuff that she told you to get yourself an emergency apt if any big flareups, you definitely shouldn't have to wait for months to be seen the way it's been lately
Still not got myself geared up for a fishy week, the odd tilapia put me off for a bit lol I'm probably going to stick to mostly green for a bit anyway while I'm getting myself back on form - they seem to suit me well and it's lovely just having a big lot of sw chips and mushy peas when I can't be ersed with cooking up big exotic feasts, though I should make a few of those up too for t'eye candy, been depriving you of food porn for a while now haven't I?
Hope you have a lovely date night with Mal - heh you could watch the movie Date Night sometime if you haven't already, it's really funny and a good couply watch

I am gobsmacked you made it here 2 nights in a row :giggle:
My consultant made me laugh today..... I feel like a giant compared to her she can only be about 4ft 10 and no more than about 7 stone ....she happened to mention that I could make an emergency appt if I had a flare up and then said ...didn't I mention that before ,,,,ummmm NO then said she needed a blood test done by next week at the latest and then says it doesn't need to be a fasting one...oh really I've always had fasting blood tests.... I have 4 a year 1 every 3 months (one of the possible side effects of Acitretin is liver failure, so I have to be monitored regularly,) and I just found out today that only 2 of them (every alternate one) has to be a fasting one...cheers Doc :8855:
Well I had skate for the first time tonight and I have to say :yuk: I didn't like it...Mal goes mad for it he absolutely loves it....ewww nasty I'll have the salmon tomorrow and enjoy that more yummy lol
Yes lady I need my food porn fix I am being seriously deprived here :giggle:
Had a lovely evening, was even good when Mal got out his huge.....................................................................................................................................Bar of Mint Aero hahaha.....nighty night all, cya on the morrow and sweet dreams :zz: :4635: xxxxxx