ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

mitch2044 said:
Found the options mocha choca in Sainsburys. Bought 54 sachets. Cleared the shelves and my bank account.

Hahahaha!!!! Wow bet that were pricey? Xxx
Just over £17. But I got a coupon for their brand match offer of about £3.68. They are 4 for £1 in tesco but do ginger and not mocha.
mitch2044 said:
Just over £17. But I got a coupon for their brand match offer of about £3.68. They are 4 for £1 in tesco but do ginger and not mocha.

Excellent ! I bought 8 of them in our local tesco last night ... Didn't expect to see them as I looked at an off chance hehe xx
mitch2044 said:
Do u count the carbs in them when u have one? I think they us about 5g per sachet.

Yeah only coz i add milk too & they make a great low carb treat esp the mocha ones :) xxx
Home alone again :( Matthew is out boozing ! Wat are ppl up to tonight? Xx

My diary

2 ww bread
1 egg
1 cheese slice (1pp)

M&S goats cheese, couscous & lentil salad (2pp for the goats cheese, the rest is free on sf)

Wholemeal noodles
Stir fried veg
Quorn pieces
S&S sauce (1pp)
Corn on the cob

Quavers (2pp)

6/49 weeklies used !!
Freezing watching telly. I've just ordered my shopping for tomorrow, Ralph's just told me he's working tomorrow :(

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Freezing watching telly. I've just ordered my shopping for tomorrow, Ralph's just told me he's working tomorrow :(

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Awww, ive stuck our heating on, Weve tried our hardest to leave it n leave it but it had to put it on haha!

Ahh Matthew does that to me too, you look forward to seeing them then they announce that dreaded word ! I hardly see Matthew n hes off out gettin pissed tonight, i wouldnt have even minded if i got an invite :eek: but no, its a 'lads thing' apparently!!

Ooo i might take up online ordering, i put so much crap in my trolley !!!! xxxx
Are you watchin xfactor?
Heres something to remind everyone that were doing well ................ look at this photo and times it by how many pounds youve lost up to now ....... MADNESS .... Ive lost 19 of these ...........................


  • fat.jpg
    6.5 KB · Views: 33
*Claire-Bear* said:
Are you watchin xfactor?

No I hate it with a vengeance. TBH I'm completely gutted its on Saturday and Sunday :(.

I love online shopping I've done it for years:)

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Mrsm79 said:
No I hate it with a vengeance. TBH I'm completely gutted its on Saturday and Sunday :(.

I love online shopping I've done it for years:)

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Mrsm79 said:
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I've ordered loads of leeks and loads of potatoes with my shopping this week to make leek and potato soup.

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Yum yum yum :) xxx
Goin seein sinister later eeeeeekkkk .. Ooh n avinn curry :) :) yum yum xxxx hope everyone has a nice Sunday xxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Goin seein sinister later eeeeeekkkk .. Ooh n avinn curry :) :) yum yum xxxx hope everyone has a nice Sunday xxx

Sounds perfect Claire. I'd love a date night with Ralph but ill have to save for a babysitter.
Looks like sf is going really well for you Claire :) food is looking fab! X