Loves Minimins!
Cupboard I guess?! Lol confused! X
starkissedx said:I call airing cupboard hot-press ha maybe that as something to do with pressx
Oooo!!! How did you find that out!!?! How exciting, almost there! Good job im a chatterbox! X[/QUOTE
if you are using minimins on a pc, your posts are under your name on the left hand side. if you are on a phone then it doesn't show it so just keep posting and you'll soon be there lol x
My dentist is female... Bad times
My holiday is to Pontins Southport.... (will
be frigging awesome but its no ibiza)
And I want chips in any format now... Gotta love a stottie!! Lol (how many will kno what this is?) I've never had any form of kebab...
Claire I would start a new day when u wake uphope work was ok chick xx