ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

This is weird. I used 10 weeklies today too (comfort eating) and have 8 left now LOL x
Maybe I should have a double decker... Mmm...

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Mmm I love double deckers! Well worth 8 points! :) xx
do you lot eat all your weeklies then every week? i don't seem to eat enough for that but i'm never hungry. i dip into the occasionally tho

have fun at work :/ heeheehee just think of your bed at the end of it xxx
Enjoy the double decker and the last shift! Busy week and weekend will be same! Can't wait to catch up! Xx
annieb_101 said:
do you lot eat all your weeklies then every week? i don't seem to eat enough for that but i'm never hungry. i dip into the occasionally tho

have fun at work :/ heeheehee just think of your bed at the end of it xxx

9 times out of ten I eat my weeklies, always end up goin over most days so by the end of the week they mount up! I always intend not to but doesn't always work xx
9 times out of ten I eat my weeklies, always end up goin over most days so by the end of the week they mount up! I always intend not to but doesn't always work xx

Seriously you sound EXACTLY like me lol!! Btw, fab pic... looking lovely :)

I do usually end up eating all my weeklies hon, they wouldnt have put them into the system if you werent allowed to have them & still lose. Granted I STS last week but scales are being nice so far this week so I've fingers crossed for a lb off. You tried the Wendie plan?? Where you split your weeklies a certain way throughout the days. I'm gonna try that next week (hopefully). xx
Aww thanks azwethinkeiz ( haha had to double check I put that right) ! it's so hard not eating them but like u say they are there for a reason! I always think I'll try n save for a nice meal or something but always end up goin on snacky things xx
Ha n still put it wrong :-/ x
The best advice i can give you all is 'Eaaaat allll your weeklies' ... i never use to eat them and put weight on:confused: ... so once i started eating them .. so far ive nearly lost half a stone :cool: ...

Im sooooooooooo happy, today is my last night shift ..... then i can get back to normal ..... hopefully i wont be wantin huge meals at 2am in the next few days ...... :rolleyes: its guna take a bit to adjust my nocturnal hours haha!!

Oooo ooooo oooo and if anyone saw on facebook, im throught to the next stage for the 2012 torchbearer ... my grandad rang me dead early one morning asking for my date of birth (lol) ... and i was like oooo whats goin on ... he was like im so proud of you Claire, im goin to nominate you to be a torchbearer (i at this point didnt really understand what he meant) ... and obviously now i do, its huuuuge - i mean, i prob wont get thru again coz im not that inspirational (he wrote ive had diabetes from the age of 8, got through lots of tragedys and now im a staff nurse, hoping to major in diabetes and ive also done the great manchester run and raised over £500) BLESS HIM - How cuuuute is my grandad?!! ;) so we shall see in Dec if i make it or not ..........

That would be amazing if you got to be a torchbearer!! Bless your grandad :D xx
I knooooooow, hes giving me away on my wedding day ... im soooo proud of him !!! he should be torchbearer - hes a legend .. beat cancer four times - had multiple strokes and still standing and he loves life :D i love him so much xxxx
good luck with the torchbearer hun, and you're grandad is amazing :)
Hes my Hero :D here he is .. next to meee on my graduation :D


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He looks funny tho coz hes had loads of strokes & has a paper weight in his eyelid as he has lost the use of it :( ... plus he wears a colostomy as he had bowel cancer ... hes had half his ear cut off coz of skin cancer .... he puts a lot of these moaning b****** to shame coz he loves his life - and he sits all day watchin MTV, he knows whos number 1 in the charts before i do, and he can beat me at wii sports .. hes fab!!
Its lovely you're so close to him! And he must be so proud of you :D I lost my grandad last year and life just ain't the same since!
You look gorge in that photo hon. I hated wearing that cap on my graduation lol!! X

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Aw thanks Claire I have a massive lump in my throat :) now bless him he sounds absolutely lovely.
I love my grandad so much but I live 250 miles away from him, my kids adore him too. He lights up when we visit and my nan says he's like a kid after we've left. He's nearly 90 and still walks for 2 or 3 miles a day. I think it's just to get away from my nan nagging him.
It's brilliant how proud your grandad is of you! :)
Good luck!
