ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Awww bless ya .... thanks .. made my day;) ... by the looks of your photo <<< there ... your a hot little stunner already - i bet you havent got much weight to lose :D .... heheeee
Aww thanks chick! I've got about a stone to go! 10st 8 at mo, would like to be 9 n half! lowest I've been is 9st 12! Got complacent n put it all back on! Xx
Yeah bit similar to me .. i was 10st3 .. im now 9st3 .. wouldnt mind gettin to 8.5/9stone ;)
I'm sure u will do it hun, ur not fare off now! ooh I soo can't wait to get into the 9's again! Xx
Oooo, youll be there before ya no it ... Im havin a 'munchy' evening, i wana eat everythin ..... ive had to eat an apple, drink coffee and online shop to stop myself from being in the kitchen ... ahhhhhhhhh !!!
Oh I had one of those days yesterday, went over my dailies by 21 pp ( oops) ! Good job we have weeklies! I get weighed Wednesday tho so got a few days to make up for it! Xx
Well done for STS! Good luck with the Wendi plan! Sure it's gonna work :) u deserve an awesome loss!

Good luck for wi Kezza ;) .. im sure youll do fine :D

.... Cheers Carly .. lets hope it kick starts my metabolism :eek:
Come over and kick me up the bum, I cant stop eating today!!! :eek:
Ooooo *kicks Sarah up the bum*
... that was me yesterday .... i was on 29+2 day ... its hard wen im use to being able to push it with the points ... but wen ur stuck to a certain amount u suddenly feel more bloody hungry .... ;)
Welcome Tano ;) .. Hope ur well xxxx
Yeah fab thanks, just read your whole diary for tips and hints haha! Lost 1.5 at first weigh in today so really pleased ;) x
Ooooh excellent thread!!! Well I started the Cambridge diet on 1st June at 12st 2lbs and I lost 26lbs in 10 weeks leading up to my Ibiza diet. After ibza, I decided I wanted to lose the last 11/12lbs with ww so I joined and I've lost exactly 28lbs now since 1st June. I now weigh 10st 2 and have set my target at 9st 7. I'm not fussed how slowly it comes off now, I feel happy at this size, but if I don't monitor it, I know I'll pile it back on again lol! I'd like a baby next year, so I want to be as low as I can before that. (life story...soz!) :)
*Claire-Bear* said:
Good luck for wi Kezza ;) .. im sure youll do fine :D

.... Cheers Carly .. lets hope it kick starts my metabolism :eek:

Thanks Claire!! Hope so :) xx
Hope ur ok sugar ;) x
Ooooh excellent thread!!! Well I started the Cambridge diet on 1st June at 12st 2lbs and I lost 26lbs in 10 weeks leading up to my Ibiza diet. After ibza, I decided I wanted to lose the last 11/12lbs with ww so I joined and I've lost exactly 28lbs now since 1st June. I now weigh 10st 2 and have set my target at 9st 7. I'm not fussed how slowly it comes off now, I feel happy at this size, but if I don't monitor it, I know I'll pile it back on again lol! I'd like a baby next year, so I want to be as low as I can before that. (life story...soz!) :)

Oooooo, wow well done you :D .. yeah ww is a slow progress ..... but its good coz it sets u up for life :) .... like ive lost a stone over 4months but i get to eat yummy foods too .. so i love it ;)
Im all good thanks, been back at work so back to busy Claire :eek: ....

Ive not posted yesterdays diary .. so here goes ..

Wendi - Day 3 29+9

Milk = 3

Eggy bread (yum) .. 5 ...................... 8

Chicken burger (burger = 3, bun = 4)
Crisps = 3 ........................................ 10

Goblin puff pastry beef&onion pie = 7
2 b/eye waffles = 6
Veggies = 0 ................................... 13

mini toffee fingers = 3
Mini choc chip cookies = 3
Square of choc = 1 ......................... 7
That was a yummy wendy day 3 heehee :) x

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