ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

:DMmmmm, me too Sarah ....
That's amazing about your BP Claire!! well done, you must be so pleased knowing you're healthier aswell as looking FIT now :)
God all this talk of biscuits and quiches is making me hungry...i dont do ww cookies either, id rather have one really nice biscuit than two not very tasty ones! xx
Thaaanks all !!! i doooooo feel FAB!!!!!

Todays diary ..

Milk = 3
2 toast = 5
eggs = 3

............ = 11pp

choc n mint special k cereal bar = 2
handcooked crisps = 3
................. = 16pp

40mins of netball = 5ap earnt

apple & pork quarter pounder on a bun
= 9
spanish wedges = 3
veggies = 0

......................... = 28pp

guna have some naughty treats soon, as me n the boy are watchin 'Unknown' speak laterrrrsssss
Yay for the bp :) u enjoying time off? Xx
Im baaaack, London was fab altho verrrry tiring - we walked for 7/8hours :eek: so i calculated i earnt about 15ap's ...... madness and ive just slept for 10hours !!!!! it was good tho, we started off in Eustone then we went to london bridge, westminster, houses of parliament, london eye, marble arch, oxford street, bond street .... so we did looooads of walking - used the tube inbetween - which was freekin scary and some weirdos just stare at ya - i dont think im particularly interestin tbh :)

Then at the end of the day - we treated ourselves to a KFC bucket !!! FIT .... and i bloody earnt it after all that walking !!!!

Hope were all well?!!! xxxx
Felt ill all day :( ... stupid diabetes !!!

Todays diary ...

Milk = 3
cheese & bacon on toast (@1300)
= 4
(20g ww cheese, 1 bacon medalion & 1 slice of seeded batch bread (small) ... )

Medium Costa Light with sf caramel syrup
= 2 ................................................ 9pp

1/3 of chicken, bacon & cheese quiche = 9
40g rice in curry sauce with veggies = 5
....................................................... 23pp

Pitta pizza (tbsp bbq sauce, 20g ww cheese, chicken slices, peppers, tomatoes & s/corn)
= 6 ................................................. 29pp
prawn cocktail wotsits = 3
mcvities choc hobnobs = 3 ................ 36pp

funtimes :D
London sounds fab and well done for all the walking! U def did deserve ur bucket!!

Hope ur feeling better today! Are u insulin dependent petal? X
Yeeppp, insulin dependant .. Booooo :(!! ive taken atleast 10 injections today coz im a bit sickly ... typical xxx
Awww that sucks :( x
Ah well, lifes a ***** (sometimes) :D .....
Aww hope u feel better! What u up to this weekend? X
Nowt really ..... fellas workin all of it so im a loner with my cats ...... what about you? x
Oh my god your diary yesterday was fab... All yummilicious food!! By the way I love love love my mini cookies and digestives heehee xx
Mmm... KFC... Deliciousness :D
Hope you feel better today... 10 injections - that sounds like no fun :( xxx

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
Heheeeee, altho i weighed today .. and scales say almost 1kg on ... :eek: so them naughty 2pounds best go before tomo :rolleyes: nawty KFC .....

Im still no better today .... :mad: Grrrrrr !!

Hope were all well today :D im buzzin coz i still have 4days off work still ... woooop .. chillax to the max ;)
my mums weight goes up and down terribly when her sugar is off. hope it settles down for you soon hun x
Thaanks Rosie ... bloody diabetes eh :(!

Todays diary ......

Milk = 3
Egg on toast = 5 .............. 8

Toast = 2
Crisps = 2 ........................ 12

50minutes aerobics = 6ap earnt :cool:

Pork&Apple burger = 5
mcain micro chips = 8
big fat salad = 0 ............... 25

= 4 dailies left & 3 weeklies so 7 for later :cool:

Ive just eaten a pack of mini mini oreos .... one word FIT !!!!! ... & Only 3p a pack .. Yuuuuum !!
Tell me where to get my Oreo goodness?!?! The only minis I saw were in a big tub...

And lol at u being a cat lady this weekend

Hope u feel better and the 2lb disappears xx