Total Solution Six stone to lose.

Day 19
So far I've had 1.5 litres done a far few steps today already and just realised I haven't had my first pack yet. Not feeling hungry which is great as it had been bad last Friday. Looking forward to not feeling like a blimp on the beach this year. To wearing nice clothes and not feeling like I'm being judged for my weight. Lol my jeans are holding up well just hope the washing machine isn't wearing them out 😂😂 hoping that my other jeans will fasten soon as these are wearing a bit thin and I hoisting them up which did start annoying me. Lol, silly considering that's my sim to get small enough to lose the damn things.
Think I'll start with a banana shake for a change 😂😂 here's to another 100% day, one step closer to shapely clothes, feeling good and I've decided I am definitely getting my hair restyled when I get to goal.
Day 19 smashed my step goal of 4k 45 minutes ahead of my usual time. Not bad at all. I might try some smaller jeans in later see if I have made any progress. Won't beat myself up if they don't. Just keep going and they will. I'm definitely more motivated than ever. I haven't been this focused since cwp in 2008. Its a great sign if what's to come.
Still going amazing!! Keep it up. Glad we can share the days together! Its great once the cravings pass isn’t it!! Each week that goes by is easier. Just have to master food week. Are you attempting it? I decided on an egg for breakfast and add sprinkle cheese on pizza for lunch. Keeping it the same ever day to try and have a routine still x
Maybe I'll just add an hard boiled egg snack in. I don't feel ready to bring anymore food into the mix.
It doesn't seem five minutes since we started. Lol its really gone quite fast. Sharing is helping isn't it. So much easier talking to people who get it. Not long until weigh in. I wonder what we lost this week.

Day 19
Irish cream shake
Banana shake
Strawberry delight

3.6 litres water plus coffee
9912 steps (fitbit)

No cravings tonight. So glad, it was hard work going through them all last weekend.
Couldn't fit into the smaller jeans. I think it will be a good month before I do. I couldn't get them up my thighs 🙈
I ran out of Dr pepper zero so I've settled for lemon n lime water flavouring.
Ive got bad heartburn tonight, had 4 gaviscon and its not helping. Don't want to have to drink milk.
Have a little milk, it’s a fine idea.
No chance. I’m going to be doing loads of cooking too.
Day 20
What a day, stuck in a traffic jam trying to get off a retail park for 40 mins came home to find my eldest had broken his bed... Claims was just siting. Lol whatever. Ended up going to the local tip. Haven't had chance to think about food.
Ive been a bit slack with the water today. Totm decided to spring up and I'm hoping isn't going to affect my get drinking avoid retention.
I can't believe we are ending our third week LL. I know you all keep me sane 😂
I am looking forward to getting weighed. Off to the zoo tomorrow so plenty of walking. Haven't told our little one going to be a surprise. I've bought picnic food for them plan on taking bottled water with me I'll mix a shake. No cheats. 💪💪💪 xx
Tomorrow morning I will be cooking pancakes and maple syrup with crispy bacon, poached eggs, asparagus and Hollandaise sauce. Then I’ll clean everything up and start cooking three-cheese Dauphinois potatoes, green beans and rib eye steaks. Meringue, fruit and cream to end.

I of course will opt for the shake, followed by a shake and a side of water, with a shake to end the day :)
Tomorrow morning I will be cooking pancakes and maple syrup with crispy bacon, poached eggs, asparagus and Hollandaise sauce. Then I’ll clean everything up and start cooking three-cheese Dauphinois potatoes, green beans and rib eye steaks. Meringue, fruit and cream to end.

I of course will opt for the shake, followed by a shake and a side of water, with a shake to end the day :)
Lol just keep swimming, just keep swimming. 🐠 That is one hell of a feast to be serving up. You know that shake is delicious 😋 So much better than the spread 💪💪
...and no standing quietly near cages hoping a keeper accidentally throws you a fish or a banana!
Lmao ill wear black and white fit on with the penguins I'd possibly risk the lions for a steak right now 😂😂😂 Totm would make that unwise I can't run that fast if at all rofl.
I know lol, I think we synced and you cursed me LL. 😂
Zoo how fun! LL is right though wrap up warm. Enjoy a fun day out !
Thank you. Lol I doubt I'll be able to walk much on Monday but can't let my legs rule my life. I'm actually shocked I haven't been freezing this time round I usually feel it at lot.
Day 20 100% TS.
Banana shake
Strawberry shake
Chocolate delight

Discovered that adding water to the powder then whisking instead of vice versa made a smooth mix with no gritty pieces. Still think the choc one tastes of weetabix, definitely can't taste any chocolate.

4 litres water plus coffee
5k steps
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Looking forward to having a day out. Will avoid the picnic by taking a pack a bottle of water and my shaker. Lol I will not give in.
Feeling do determined and I'm proud of myself as usually I've had several cheats and used plenty of excuses to eat. Not this time. My heads in the game now and totally focused on the goal.