I posted on your page Cathie, but I'm glad Rosemary is working for you! We'll be rocking those henweekends before we know it!!! The past couple of days have been abysmal but I'm not dwelling on the past, I've pulled my socks up and I've got my head straight - I can't keep relying on this diet as being my saving grace for my wedding day and thinking that I will be able to drop the weight in a matter of days - I keep putting it off till the last minute but thats not going to work, and its not going to get my mindset in the right place either - this isn't just for my wedding day, its for life. This constant on,off,on,off is going to mess with my body, mind and my pocket so its time to grow up and get on with it! Had one shake today, stuck in work which is very boring as its quite sunny here in Plymouth and nobody is looking at buying a car, they're all out enjoying themselves! Been having raspberry leaf and peppermint tea all week and bought some green tea to mix it up a bit (ooh - the excitement!!!) Its sat here in a mug next to me at the moment and I'm a bit scared to take the first sip as I know the first couple normally make me go :sign0137: Have a fabbo day everyone x