Hi there,
I have read through your posts and know your struggle! I went through this last year myself in a bid to lose weight for my wedding on May 14th.
Much like yourself I couldn't get motivated until around March, when someone told me about lipotrim, I wanted to lose 21/2 stone to get into my dress which I had already bought the previous September, it was a small size 16, and I knew I would have to weigh around 11 stone for it to fit perfectly. So I embarked upon the plan, starting at 14 stones and 2lb. After 5 weeks of sticking to the plan 100% I lost 2 stone, and went for my fitting, My dress 'just' fitted, and as it had a lace back, it was flexible to lose more weight, the back panel needed to be widened, as it was, but I thought I still want to get another stone off, I was still lumpy and bumpy.
Now with 4 weeks to go, this is where I hit a standstill, even with knowing how I wanted to look in my dress, I would stop-start on the plan, kept picking all the time. I just couldn't stick to it, had my hen night etc. I think its beacuse I knew it fitted me ok, the main fear was it NEVER fitting before ,when I weighed 14 stone.
I WISH WISH WISH I had just got my arse in gear for those last few weeks and got that last stone off, because looking back at my pics, some were ok, but in a lot of them, I can see back fat spilling over the top of my dress where I had it pulled in so tight to give me a smaller waist,{my dress was corseted} that fat has to pushed somewhere

ultimately I was uncomfortable all day, as my dress was was to tight, and the photographer had to keep rearranging my fat bits and boobs were splling over a bit to much. There is a big difference in standing still for your fitting, to all the moving around, dancing, and sitting on your big day, as to how you will look and feel in your dress.
I started lipotrim yesterday, as I have since regained all the weight I lost and piled on another 1/12 stone,taking me right up to 15.8- HIDEOUS! So I have a lot of work ahead, but love the quick results this diet gives, and am determined to get it off for good this time.
Maybe if you had a dress fitting at the weight you are now, and get someone to take pics of you, it might spur you on to shift that last bit, PIN it on your fridge, as a constant reminder.
You CAN do it, then you can enjoy your honeymoon perod, and the summer, but be warned it piles on very quickly, if you just go back to old habits like I did.
Bear in mind 12 stone is not that overweight for your height, so don't beat yourself up about it if you don't lose it, I'm sure you will look beautiful and curvacious on the day, just make sure your dress is the right size for you now, in case you don't lose it.
Good luck!! Hope my message inspires you!