Snow's healthy living ramblings

Had quorn southern fried burgers for tea instead of lamb hotpot (5 syns) with that smokey barbeque sauce (0.5) - was lovely. :) Means my yoyos were my extra healthy b instead of synned and I need another a.
Had maltesers for the other syns :)
Red Day today

B: Fat free natural yoghurt, banana, apple 4 fruit yoyo's (HEB)
L: Cauliflower Cheese Soup (HEA) Raspberries
D: Nando's butterfly breast (3) Corn on the cob (3.5) salad and I will allow a half syn for extra sauce (0.5)

Cucumber and phllli light (HEA)
4 fruit yoyos (HEB)
Custard apple

Not sure what to use my extra three syns on - fairly sure I will never manage to leave 4 maltesers if I open a bag!
Well I had just had a single finger of kit kat to use up 2.5 syns when my friend texted to cancel on me for Nando's as she's not well so now I will have dinner at home after bookclub and I have 7.5 syns to play with!
Ohh is Nandos not bad for syns then? I may have to go there soon.
Sorry for not popping in much, I've been in one of those netflix moods where that is all I have done, lol!

Make sure to take it easier with the soup challenge :)
Nando's do a 5 syn meal which is what I have when I go there! Butterfly chicken breast with the skin removed and spicy rice is 5 syns ( can't remember which is 3 and which is 2 - I was going to count the chicken as 3 to be safe today and I wouldn't have had rice as red day) but didn't go due to being cancelled on. I had a small popcorn chicken before bookclub instead for 4.5 syns and going to use 3 syns ot have 100g of new potatoes with my dinner now :) Now having steak and veg and small amount of potato. :)

I weighed more on my home scales this morning than the last time I did the soup challenge :( so looks like I need something a bit strict!

And no worries about not popping in - I think we all get days where netflix beckons :)
Uni scales are still showing a gain this morning which is depressing for my christmal goal etc but I have been good do I imagine it's muscle water retention now that I have started swimming regularly instead of once a week (only if I felt like it) which was one of the reasons I put off going regularly again but that is silly as even if the scales slow down for a bit in the long run the swimming will do me so much good and help to tone etc. I hate my arms now! I do not want to hate them when I get to target because I never exercised and have lose skin.

Day 2 of the soup challenge. You can do Green or EE and I'm doing Green
B: Porridge (HEB) raw turnips snack, strawberries
L: Roast tomato soup. melon and grape melody
D: Lamb Quorn grill and veg and either sw chips and oxo roasties

Custard apple
more turnip

Saving my syns for the miss slinky/mr sleek taster night. Planning on taking banana flapjack and some crispy kale assuming i can get kale on my way home it was on offer in tesco last week but they don't normally stock it in the tesco express - if I can't get Kale then just the flapjack
I never know really. 2 weeks ago, the uni scales and slimming world scales were 0.5lb different. Then last week they were 4lb different. so if they are back to 0.5lb I'll maybe lose or STS?

I have been having Green tea (tons of it which is meant to be a better diuretic than Peppermint apparently but just in case on a Monday I have green tea with Mint just to combine their powers :)
Ohh I may have to get some green tea then. I really can't stand the taste of peppermint tea lol. I put squash in it and drink it with a straw to try not to taste it haha
Ohh I may have to get some green tea then. I really can't stand the taste of peppermint tea lol. I put squash in it and drink it with a straw to try not to taste it haha

Hee! I don't mind peppermint tea - i meant it has a toothpaste quality but at least it tastes of something - I have tried all different flavours of green teas and at first I was like they taste of nothing! NOTHING - except that odd green tea taste but now I have been drinking it a while I am getting a hint of the flavour etc. I make a big jug (as I don't have a teapot) of it at work every day, one in the morning and one in the afternooon (except Tuesday when I only have to drink one jug due to weigh in and stopping drinking at lunch time.) I actually think it tastes best sort of luke warm so I have one cup hot and then try and drink most of it while it's warm when it is nicest and then have to finish off the cold dregs (sometimes with some NAS squash added to improve it.)

I do think they are much more noticably diuretic though as I am up and down to the loos which I wasn't when I was doing the same 2 jugs a day with plain water. (Probably oversharing again.)
haha it's good to overshare, then I know what to expect! :)

I may have to get some.. I shall see if twinings do it as I think there was an offer on for them in tescos.. hmm..
twinings do - they have plain green tea and flavoured ones. The flavours are often only a £1 so I get them there - Tesco also do the Twining green tea finest range which are nice but £2.49 a box they include gingerbread, salted caramel and caramel apple. tetley's flavoured green tea is also £1.15 in asda at the moment (I go through a lot with the two jugs a day!) Also a teeny bit of lemon juice sometimes brings out the flavour of the fruit ones a bit more.
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Well a 1lb gain this week on so the uni scales proving roughly the same amount out as last week so at least I know what to add on to them? Totally outweighed by the fact I won Miss Slinky though after all my worrying about it which was a lovely surprise - my consultant said i had the most nominations and a couple of things people about why they nominated me were really nice - that I had inspired them with the amount I had lost etc and that it gave them confidence in the plan etc. Really chuffed. I ended up eating meat things at the taster night so as I haven't had my second a and b I just changed today to extra easy and had steak for tea instead of quorn (I will have it on the next green day on plan.) Going to get on with the soup challenge and hopefully get a big loss next week.
miss sleek.jpg

Me with my lovely consultant :) I have two sashs now - not sure what to do with them - I have woman of the year on the fridge. Might take this one to work.
Red Day today! Day 3 of the soup challenge
B: Custard apple, 8 fruit yoyo's (HEB's) banana and an apple
L: cauliflower cheese soup (HEA), banana, 200g fat free natural yoghurt
D: Salmon fillet, 150g potatos (5 syns I think) roast carrots, roast onion, broccoli cheese (HEA)

Maltesers (5 syns)

Syns 10
Potato 5
Maltesers 5
I made a low low cheese sauce and it was lovely. Had it over a load of spring cabbage and broccoli, with my synned potato, roasted carrots and salmon - no roast onion as the only one left had gone off. But definitely a third superfree! I have bought a fitbit off ebay as I managed to get one for £25 instead of £79 - seems dodgy really but the guy has good feedback so chancing it. (I lost the uni pedometer so I am looking forward to having one again so the uni study site will stop telling me off for not logging my steps lol)

salmon dinner.jpg
Green Day today - soup challenge day 4, 35 mins swimming this morning

B: Banana, apple, melon

L: Going to grab shapers Sushi as I have a hospital appointment this afternoon and have to travel over lunch so want something easier to eat on the move and it's generally the same syns on green as it is on EE even if it has fish in.

D: Going to have soup for dinner today, Either chicken and sweetcorn made with quorn chicken or thinking of maybe quorn bacon and kale or if I am really lazy - a portion of the lentil and veg in the freezer! Will have both my HEB's of WW Petit Pains with it :)

Carrot and philli light (HEA)