Snow's healthy living ramblings

On the plus side I got a 78 for the uni assignment I was working on Thursday (which I blame the stress of for the pop chip incident) so that's cheered me up.
Don't feel bad about it, you help so much so a mistake should be more than easy enough to forgive.

I don't blame you for not being able to resist the roast! I love roast..

Congratulations on the good result for your Uni assignment :)
My consultant has been really lovely about it - I kept saying sorry about it on facebook and then she kept saying sorry for making me feel bad. I do feel so bad as she has to ring head office though as i don't want her to get in trouble for having a useless social team - it's really good that person was honest and rang up (1 out of 3 but the other two might just have been confused they werent asked for money) I like to think it would have occurred to me eventually though.

It is partly getting used to a different way of doing things as my old relief consultant only gave you the forms after image therapy and you put them through then and they paid - this way is quicker as they don't have to wait for me to type everything in but then I don't get the computer reminding me they owe money. Normally this isn't an issue as I am sat right by the "till" but obviously yesterday I then went over to the scales. I hope we get some more new members next week just so I can prove I can do it right.
Changed dinner as didn't have an HEB to use with not doing green today so had 2 fish in butter sauce (1.5 each), potatoes, green beans and carrots. Have my HEA and 9 syns to play with. Thinking about having some hazelnut milk hot chocolate with more maltesers :)

5 syns for maltesers
3 gravy
3 fish
EE again today
B: Hifi light (0.5 of HEB) yoghurt and apple
L: Beef Stew (2 syns) raspberries,
D: Hotpot and veg (2 syns for gravy)

Pop chips (4.5) and hummus
Maltesers (5)

Syns (13.5)
Had a beef sandwich on wholemeal bread as still hungry despite the beef stew so 6 syns for bread. 19.5
Got a text today to say I have been nominated for Miss Slinky. Feel a bit silly considering I am a size 24 but I was a size 32 when I started and it was nice of someone to nominate me even if I am very far away from being slinky!
Ohh congratulations on the nomination!! :D
We're nominating next week (Our consultant did a lot for halloween so I don't think she had time lol) no idea who to vote for personally.. I may vote for my friend she has lost a ton of weight.. But then again there's another lovely woman that has lost 9st in total so I may vote for her.. Choices! lol
Thanks guys - it was a nice surprise I think I may have been nominated just as we have so many new people since we moved that only the social team are quite visible at the moment. I think you are supposed to be approaching target to be miss slinky but that's not been said in group I read it online. Apparently you are supposed to glam up for it but I don't want to as what if that outfit weighs more than usual outfit. Will be a fun night I suppose. I meant to ask if we are having a taster as you do for most things where there is a vote.
Got up v early and went swimming again and then went round to my mother's as she was having printer issues, I thought this would be a quick fix but it wasn't Windows 8 is a nightmare - some sort of update meant it could no longer find the printer on the network and I had to uninstall the whole thing and reinstall it about three times so that took up half of my day off and meant I didn't get any breakfast.

EE today
B - none
L - tin of aldi stewing steak (4 syns) pack of steam fresh veg, punnet of raspberries mixed in with my HEA of Philli light with teaspoon sweetner for a v lazy baseless cheesecake
D - lamb hotpot (lean lamb mince from waitrose 2 syns) gravy 3 syns (gravy pot) 5 syns for the lot I haven't had this yet so not sure how many portions it will do so will add syns in later)

BBQ Pops (4.5)
Mac red apple
Baked kale
Green day today!

B: Mac red apple and banana
L: Red onion sausage, roasties and veg with gravy (2 syns), raspberry cheesecake (HEA)
D: Pasta with quorn bacon and cheese sauce (HEA)

Banana flapjack (2 syns + 2 HEB)
Maltesers (5)
Fruit yoyo (6)
I got a veg box delivered today - going to list the contents and do some meal planning!

3lb new potatoes
5lb old potatoes
4 baking potatoes
2lb carrots
2lb onions
1 turnip
1 cauliflower
1 head broccoli
2 leaks
1 parsnip
1 pack green beans
1 savoy cabbage

The potatoes - are destined for slimming world chips, oxo roasties and just to be eaten. The onions and carrots for roasting too. Probably the parsnip as well. The turnip I was thinking about taking for slimmer of the week as I hate it cooked but I used to like it raw as a kid so I am trying that instead. The cauliflower is going in soup. Leaks I am going to add to tonights pasta.

I have had some baked kale while cooking lunch and am eatiing a big chunk of raw turnip - I still really like it but what a bugger it is to cut!
Food is looking good!

You could do what I do - I pack in my weigh in outfit in a bag and quickly get changed in the loos when I get there. With it being cold I don't want to weigh with jeans on, but my weigh in trousers are really light lol.
I go straight to weigh in from work now and help my consultant set up so I probably wouldn't have time to change (and can't be bothered to drag an extra outfit around- soooo lazy. I dress lighter until it snows as the office is boiling where I work.

I am switching around my healthy extras for today as someone in my group had mentioned that tesco had ww petit pains so after swimming today (I went in the afternoon and regretted it as it was manic) but I got petit pains and also the half syn smokey bourbon sauce from the magazine this month and more quorn kievs. So I'm not going to make banana flapjack today - might actually make it on monday and then double up and take some for the taster on tuesday. Not sure if am going to have one or two with the pasta but if I have one will have some fruit yoyos.
EE Today
B Porridge (HEB) cinnamon and sliced banana
L 2 Boots shapers sushi packs (1 syns each) Apple
D Lamb hotpot (1.5 syns)

4 x fruit yoyos (6 syns)
Apple and 30g smoked cheese (HEA)

Yoyos (6)
Sushi (2)
Dinner (1.5)
Batch cooking soups today as I have signed up for the soup challenge again. I still have some celery sweetcorn and lentil off the last time I did the challenge and doing roast tomato and cauliflower cheese soup today.