Snow's healthy living ramblings

I had my other HEA of Low Low on the WW Petit Pains and they were amazing. The soup was okay but I am loving the WW Petit pains for my HEB - with my bread issues though only going to have them once a week.
Congratulations on miss slinky! So happy for you :)
B: Fat free natural yoghurt, apple, banana, persimmon, 4 fruit yoyos (HEB)
L: Roast Tomato Soup, punnet of raspberries
D: Pizza topped chicken (HEA), sw chips, (synned) roast carrots, roast onion, baked kale,

4 more fruit yoyos (HEB)
1/2 pack coconut proper corn 2.5 syns

4 syns Potato
2.5 popcorn
4 syns mini maltesers
It was Tigger - will be doing that again - will try and have some pizza type toppings in next time - some chilli's and ham and peppers would have been lovely.

Green Day today - day 6 of the soup challenge.
B:Quorn bacon and beans
L: Boots shapers Sushi (2 syns)
D: Quorn Chicken, sweetcorn and carrot soup (0.5 syns) with strawberries for pudding.

Carrot sticks
2 apples
2 Banana flapjack (HEB + 2 syns) with philli light on with blueberries mixed through it for a cheesecake feel
Maltesers (5)
Red Day
B: 3 ww sausages (1.5 syns), 2 rashers fat free bacon and 100 g beans (4 syns) 2 mac red apples
L: Wholemeal baguette (counting as both HEBS) 60g Cheddar (HEAs) 3 slices ham, pickles, half a potion banana flapjack (2.5 syns) latte (6 syns) healthy living cherry drink (5 syns)
D: Heck burger (1 syn), baked kale, tbsp bourbon chipotle sauce (0.5 syn) raspberries for pud

1.5 sausage
2.5 flapjack
5 drink
6 latte
1 burger
0.5 sauce
4 beans
20.5 syns
Are the heck burgers any nice?

Must say I feel starving after reading what you've had.. I may have to try the odd red and gree days for the extra healthy a and b, but I can't get my head around it lol
The Heck burgers were nice They weren't dry and had a nice flavour- I got them in Tesco where they were on offer for £2 (for 2 burgers) - When i bought them they had exactly one pack on the shelf next to a million of the beef burgers so I think other slimmers had got in before me. I am not sure how much they are full price but I don't think I'd want to pay more than a £1 per burger so I am will be wandering every day after work to see if they have restocked while the offer is on so I can stick some in the freezer.

I try and do one red and one green day a week just to mix things up on a osrt of 5:2 basis but obviously I did it most of last week due to the soup challenge. I do like having the extras HE I have to admit but EE is as the name says much easier as you don't have to think what you have to have with your dinner instead of potato/rice/pasta etc. Green is a bit easier than red as you can just have quorn or other free meat substitute instead of meat and then have your carbs.

B: Porridge, 250g fat free yog, tsp honey in each (2 syns) Apple
Snack: Light lunch med tuna. (4.5 syns)
L: Lamb hotpot from freezer (2 syns for the gravy)
D: Chicken dinner with roasties, 1 ww sausage for stuffing, (0.5 syns) broccoli, carrots and mixed veg. 2 syn for gravy

2 fruit yoyos 3 syns
Maltesers 5 syns
17 syns
Ugh having such a hungry day today for no reason - and right before weigh in. Haven't had light food today.

B: 4 fruit yoyos (HEB) fat free yoghurt + 2tsp honey, punnet strawberries
Snack: Light lunch tuna med (4.5 syns)
L: Melon Medley and light lunch salmon (1 syns)
D: chicken dinner again as made extra

2 slices ham
2 more fruit yoyos (6 syns)
2.5 lbs off - so a little less than my soup challenge weigh in but that is probably because of everything I ate before weigh in - I normally just have strawberries for breakfast and melon for lunch still really pleased to be back in the next stone bracket again :)
Thanks guys! Going to be really good next week and see if I can manage another loss even though * week is due.

I've hit my step goal every day this week and managed a 6 am swim this morning. :)