Snow's healthy living ramblings

Thanks hun.

B: Porridge (HEB) Apple, 200g fat free yoghurt 2 tsps honey (2 syns)
L: Crab sticks, salmon light lunch (1 syn) Strawberries
D: Chicken dinner - I didn't have this yesterday. Will have other half my HEA with it to make brocolli cheese. (Yesterday I had fish (no batter) and chips which probably took me over syns)

Sugar Snap Peas (These were lovely - a really nice change from carrot sticks in a way of getting super free in)
Hifi light (3 syns)
2 Laughing Cow triangles (half of HEA)
EE today
Breakfast Weetabix Toffee Dazzler Oaty bar 4.5 syns Fat free yoghurt, apple
Lunch: Salmon light lunch (1 syns), punnet strawberries 8 crabsticks
Tuna light lunch 4.5 syns

10 syns so far
I have to admit to wanting to try those ones just because of the name rainbow smashem sounds like it must be nice.

Green day today.
B beans on toast(HEB)
L Cauliflower cheese soup (HEA)
D Quorn lamb grill, roasties and veg - will syn some gravy

Oaty bar (4.5 syns)
I will have to track them down Lisa.

I had a rubbish day yesterday - just was in a really foul mood for no reason that I could see - felt like I was on the urge of a migraine and my co-workers got on my last nerve just by existing. I finished work early and went completely off the rails last night and had about a million maltesters - white bread with butter and a pizza. Felt most of last night feeling sick about it - got up at 6 am as I wasn't sleeping and went for a swim and then got home and actually slept a bit.

Back on plan today. Was thinking about sucess express but to be honest even ee seems challenging at the moment as I just want more of what I had yesterday so just going to take baby steps.

B: Bacon (not fat), beans, fry lighted egg yolk, 1 syn ketchup, 1 syn for dash of skimmed milk in coffee. Ate an apple while it was cooking.
L: Peas pudding and ham sandwich (HEB) with salad and carrot sticks. Persimmon
D: I have campfire stew in the slow cooker so hoping that turns out nice.

Fat free yoghurt with cinnamon and honey (1 syn)
Okay yesterday went okay so going to give success express a go today and drink a load of green tea

B: Banana on toast (heb1) apple, (1 syn butter)
L: ham. peases pudding, beetroot and salad sandwich(heb2) with carrot sticks and 30 g of salmon philli (need to look up syn value for this,) strawberries
D campfire stew with brocolli cheese(hea1 and 2)

It's another name for sharon fruit - Persimmon-oliv2.jpg

Everyone says don't eat them until they are super ripe but I actually like them better under riper when they taste v mild to me sort of like a cross between an apple and an orange with the texture of a pear - ripe they are super sweet but have a sort off taste. They are in the aldi super six this week.
I only tried them this year - I got some in the slimmer of the week basket and googled them, let it get super ripe and didn't like it and then someone chopped up an unripe one at taster night and I tried it and it was really nice. You can eat the skin - there is no reason you couldn't just eat them like an apple but I always chop it into quarters to eat.
Pinching an idea off Rosie and trying to plan ahead a bit. I am off work tomorrow but going to my parents for tea as my sister is up from london. My mum said she is planning on doing a chicken dinner so I might do a red day and just have chicken and veg and syn the gravy. Going to have Chicken Heck burgers and salad for lunch and a bacon sandwich and some fruit for breakfast

Tuesday I will do ee I think Melon and strawberries for breakfast. I have a salmon light lunch in my drawer so can have that. Will see how I have done syn wise to see if i have my usual treat of fish no batter and half portion of chips.

Wednesday green day - porridge, soup and quorn lamb dinner.
Here is dinner! Ended up making a veggie cheese bake as didnt have much brocolli in. Counting the philli earlier as 3 syns as 25g is 2. Trying to work out if I should use up my others or go low syn due to my bad day the other day. May attempt a quark cheesecake using a cereal bar as the base as at least its extra fibre?


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Ah that is weird because I hate dark chocolate but don't mind choc shot as it tastes much sweeter than dark choc to me! I only really like quark made into sweet stuff. Have you tried it mixed with options. I was going to use options tonight then realised choc shot would be less syns.