Snow's healthy living ramblings

Before I went to the canteen I was even like I could just get mince and veg (like that was going to happen) and then I went to the canteen and one of the ladies who works in there was telling the other staff how well I had done on Slimming World - she was doing slimming world a while a go and is always really helpful about checking syns etc for me and then i was like I'm here for mince and dumplings - slightly shamefaced but she was like oh well you deserve a treat so gave me extra veg with it to up the super free and then gave me the biggest dumpling they had because it was a treat.

Well food today will look slightly familiar haha

Apple, Porridge(HEB), Banana, fat free yoghurt, raspberries 1 tsp honey (1 syn)
Cauliflower cheese soup (HEA), pear
Quorn Lamb Grill, new potatoes and veg. I have some syn free mint sauce (or garden mint concentrate as its called) and will syn some gravy 2-3 syns

Hifi lights (2) HEB
Was really hungry this afternoon so I have had another apple and then some more fat free yoghurt and 2 laughing cow lights (part HEA2) as hoping the protein in yoghurt/cheese will make me actually feel full.
40 mins swim after work and then came home to my quorn lamb dinner nom nom - Only 1.5 syns for gravy as I used a 2.5 syn gravy pot between 2 of us. The mint sauce is syn free as has no sugar (coleman's mint garden concentrate) It was lovely. I have only had 2.5 syns today and while I want to cut back due to yesterday that's a little too low so will have some fun size maltesers (5 syns) taking me to 7.5 for the day.
lamb dinner.jpg
Extra Easy

b: 1 thick slice wholemeal toast (HEB) beans, 1 slice bacon ( picked the one with the least fat on from the canteen but it did have fat so 2 syns) and mac red apple.
L lamb hotpot (2 syns for gravy in - super free in it. Another apple
D steak and chips with brocolli cheese.

Laughing cow light (1.5 syns I think)
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Green Day today

B: 40g Golden Syrup bite size shredded wheats (HEB + 2 syns) plus 100ml skim milk (part of HEA1) - I probably shouldn't count Golden Syrup wheats as a B as they aren't on the list but they have the exact same calories and fibre as Apricot bite size shredded wheats and those are on the list so I am >.> They were lovely! Banana
L: Sushi (4 syns) and Apple
D: Pasta bake - going to make a veggie tomato sauce, and top with a tin of smart price mac cheese (3 syns between 2 so 1.5) and add the rest of the HEA of cheese. Will use my other HEB to make garlic bread
Going to spend today seeing what I actually have in my freezer and cupboards. I keep buying stuff and then realising I already have some and the freezer is so full so I want to use up what's in there to make room for Christmas stuff and so I can batch cook again.
Managed to catalogue one freezer yesterday. May do the other one today - may not as bored of it already but needs doing. Going to do some meal planning now I have some idea of what I have.
Green Day
B: 2 x 35 g Golden Syrup Wheats (Both HEB's) with 150ml skim milk (part HEA1) and a banana
L: Mini Quorn Kievs (4 syns) with salad and 35g philli light part HEA1 - may have some noodles or chips with this.
D: Veggie pasta bake (part HEA2) with petit pain (6 syns) with cheese (part HEA2), strawberries for afters.

They are half a syn Rosie - I actually had 4.5 syns as the packet had 9 left in - you are meant to get 16 but you quite often get an extra one. I can only get them at Sainsbury's and Tesco - Asda never has them in - I shop mainly at Asda and Aldi but find myself going to Tesco and Sainsbury's for offers and things you can't get at Asda. They have a lot less sauce in than traditional ones but are tasty - I love them for green days.

I've had a pretty boring weekend - been catching up on uni reading and a bit of tidying up but it's nice to do nothing some weekends. I am off tomorrow too - planning on going swimming v early and coming back to a slimming world breakfast. Might do a red day and syn/HEB the beans.

I still haven't done the other freezer but that is a much smaller one at at least one drawer in there is all OH's stuff I don't have (ice cream etc) - I think I'll meal plan with the one I have done first.
Thank you for the info! Ill have a look next time I'm near sainsburys or tesco. I normally only shop at lidl but do like to go to tesco when I'm in town, which is where I normally get my meat free stuff from.
Second freezer shouldn't take too long then :) i agree its nice to do nothing sometimes! I'm hoping to have a few quiet ones til we go away on 12th dec.
have I asked before what you do at Uni? Apologies if so- my memory is terrible :-(
I like Lidl too - there isn't one near me but there is one near my parents so I used to pop in there when I was over there. I do a monthly online shop at Asda for catfood, a few freezer bits and store cupboard staples that I can't get at Aldi then go to aldi for fresh stuff

You haven't asked about uni - I don't think I don't think I have mentioned uni much on here - I'm doing a Open University degree in Classical Studies - I'm in my fifth year this year (so only one to go after this year as it takes twice as long as a regular degree) this year I'm doing Myth in the Greek and Roman World.
I like Lidl too - there isn't one near me but there is one near my parents so I used to pop in there when I was over there. I do a monthly online shop at Asda for catfood, a few freezer bits and store cupboard staples that I can't get at Aldi then go to aldi for fresh stuff

You haven't asked about uni - I don't think I don't think I have mentioned uni much on here - I'm doing a Open University degree in Classical Studies - I'm in my fifth year this year (so only one to go after this year as it takes twice as long as a regular degree) this year I'm doing Myth in the Greek and Roman World.

It's good to shop around- I find lidl and aldi so cheap for most of my weekly shop but some bits I can't get from there e.g. Fry lite.
I'm quite lucky I suppose- pretty much all the big supermarkets are within a 10min drive with the exception of Waitrose- I've only ever seen one lol.
Your degree sounds really interesting! Another high school used to offer classical studies and my friend did it- I always thought it was really fascinating. Good luck with your final year. Do you have to do a dissertation?
One of the Aldi's near me used to sell fry light and it was cheap but it was like lots of things - once it was gone it was gone - handy for a while though.

No - there are no dissertations with the OU under graduate modules - which is a relief and yet a bit of a concern if I want to go onto post grad as I won't have that experience. (Not that I can afford post grad at the moment but maybe in the future.) The modules are either marked on a project or an exam, this year I have a project and next on the module that will be my last I'm not sure what it will have because the module I want to do is a module supposed to be focussing on the Archaeology of the Roman Empire that the OU has been working on and only starts in Oct 2015 so I don't have the details - some people have been told by tutors who are working on it that it will be a project as well but I was really expecting it to be an exam as the OU tends to have all it's level 3 modules split between these for academic robustness and there are only 2 Level 3 classics (Well only 1 until this new Roman one is finished) so it would make sense to have one exam and one project but we'll see when it is officially available I suppose.
Well my hope that my period being a few days late meant it had gone away back into irregularity turned out not to be true. I know it is healthier but bah - at least the couple of days late means I'm now no longer due on at Christmas - instead new year! The last couple of times I have had * week I have still lost as I seem to retain water before it so hoping I can still manage a loss tomorrow. My scales are showing one and November is pretty much a right off otherwise!

Today I'm planning a red day
B: Cooked breakfast - 2 asda reduced fat sausages (3 syns) bacon no fat, black pudding (4.5) syns) 140g beans (HEB)
L: Tuna melt (HEA and HEB) and salad
D: Youngs fish in sauce (3 syns) plus veg and roasted carrots.
Have you tried different contraceptive drugs to see what works out for a better with your periods?
I want to go back on cerezette because of periods but I've not had a chance to go doctors, lol!
Food's looking amazing. Which black pudding do you use? I remember one that I looked up was about 15 syns so I've never bothered with it. Unless the syn values are less on a red day? If that's so I may have to do a few red days.. Love black pudding! :D
I was planning on trying the coil because it's meant to make them shorter - the last couple of times I have been they have said I could only have the mini pill or the injection due to my BMI - I tried the injection once and had my period the entire time it was effective which was certainly effective as a contraceptive and when I went back they were like that wears off after a couple of injections and I was like NO THANKS. The mini pill seemed to make my cycle about two weeks so I'm not keen on that either so up until recently it was nothing because I had been told I was highly unlikely to concieve due to PCOS and I had a period about twice a year but now that I am regular again it's been condoms which I'm not a fan of. (Who is lol - oversharing again) Unfortunately my doctors don't do the coil so I have to go to a different one which I haven't gotten round to yet (everytime I have a day off work and think I might fit it in I seem to be on which obviously makes the whole assessment process a no go.)

The black pudding was Aldi's Lancashire one which 4.5 syns a slice - a slice is about 65 g. I worked it out on calories though as it wasn't on the app but it's 87 calories so think 4.5 syns is right as there will be nothing free in it. (there is another aldi one on the app which is more syns but it's has a different pack size and a different aldi 'brand' so I assuming they are different and going off the calories.) I did look on the app for the lowest syn one and the tesco one is about 5 syns a 60g slice too so that's another option. I am having it again tonight as I'm doing breakfast for dinner :) I may splash out and have 2 slices of black pudding if I've no other syns all day. Good luck for weigh in tonight!

B: Cinnamon banana porridge (HEB)
L: Melon plus 4 laughing cow lights (HEA)
D: Cooked breakfast - 2 asda reduced fat sausages (3 syns) bacon no fat, black pudding (4.5 syns) beans
Apple and pear