Snow's healthy living ramblings

Thank you everyone.

Red day today I think
B: yoghurt and a bit of cake (10 syns)
L Crab stick salad sandwich (HEB) plus 2 syns for mayo
D: Going to go wild and get a cinema hotdog as I'm going to see mockingjay pt 1 which will take me over syns as I slipped and had that cake earlier

Hifi bar (HEB2)

Need to have a HEA too - might get a iced coffee at the cinema and that will be both. :)
Mockingjay part 1 was great. Went shopping for a few bits before the cinema and managed to get a belt I like to hopefully get a bit more wear out of things that are a bit big AND two items of clothing in New Look in a size 24. I tell you what after years of shopping in Evans and simply be everything in New Look is an absolute steal. I paid £25 for a dress and a top. That wouldn't get you a top in Evans most of the time. I also tried to get a bra fitting in Evans but the lady reckoned I'd gone up 6 inches backsize and down 8 cup sizes!!! I have never seen a more ill fitting bra. It was so massive on me that I could put it on like a jumper and then not all of me went in it so I will not be going back there for bras!
Eep shame they're useless with the bras!
Try debenhams. (Not sure if that's how to spell it) they're amazing for fitting bras, and if you go at a sale time bras aren't too over the top either. :)

I used to love new look, but I still think of it as a skinny person shop lol!

Sure know what you mean price wise with evans though.. They're stupidly over the top! In the sale i got 1 top and 1 pair of trousers for £60!! :eek:
i didn't think to look at the shoes but I could probably get some in New Look now I am a 9 and not a 10 - will have a look in the sale maybe as I shouldn't be buying anything more for myself this close to Christmas.

My sister said the same about debenhams MC. And you are right it is easy Rosie I think I am going to measure myself and then go somewhere reliable to get it backed up. I think I have just gone down a few back sizes really.

Food today - EE
B: Porridge (HEB) plus banana and 1 tsp honey (1 syns)
Snack Tuna light lunch (4.5 syns)
L: Salmon light lunch 1 syn plus bag of sugar snap peas
D: Breakfast for dinner, bacon no fat, beans, sausages (3 syns) black pudding (4.5 syns) 7.5 syns

Fruit yoyos 6 syns

Accidentally wandered into Christmas market yesterday and ate a pistachio fondant filled biscotti and some caramelised nuts. Whups. Going to stick to 10 syns then try some success express at the weekend.

EE today
B: beans on toast (HEB) plus black pudding (4.5syns)
L: smart price ravioli (1.5 syns) banana + apple
D: Chicken and veg curry and rice
Coffee (HEA)

Lisa - they are amazing aren't they. I would have them as my HEB everyday if I didn't think it would start some sort of bread spiral.
I seem to have picked up some sort of tummy bug. Started on friday night and on Saturday I was really bad and had a large dominos pizza on the basis that some bread might stop me up and if it didn't maybe I wouldn't gain. (such a bad attitude) anyway not surprisingly the bread was totally negated bythe amount of grease and fat and I made myself worse so yesterday I just had green tea and a banana. I was showing a four pound gain all weekend yesterday on my scales (I often gain when I am ill which I can only assume is my body hanging on to whatever it can in defiance of everything else plus I was over syns lotslast week between the cinema and the christmas market and the dominos pizza.) This morning I feel a little better and I am showing a pound loss since last week (and five pounds since yesterday) I have had to go to work anyway despite feeling ropey as I am on absence review which I am fairly fed up about.
Today I have had fat free yoghurt and some green tea from breakfast and I have some carrot sticks and smoked salmon for lunch
Hope you feel better today Snow. Sounds awful. I often gain when im ill too as your body clings to water so it tends to go really quickly.

Dont worry about the Dominos!! When you're unwell you should give your body what it needs to recover.

Im unwell today too- sounds a lot like your Saturday to be honest! Not moving too far from the bathroom and haven't been since about 3am this morning. Ive had to call in sick from work but am terrified as I'm also on a sickness review and my manager is a douchebag!
Ugh hope you feel better soon Lisa. I got hardly any sleep last night so am feeling rough today. I was really worried about getting to work as I have to take two buses but now I am here so if I spend the whole time hiding in the toilet I will just have to and if they complain I will just tell them it is due to their absence policy!
Thanks Lisa - hope you are feeling better too.
B:porridge (HEB) and tsp honey (1 syn) plus apple
L: Hot smoked salmon, carrots sticks and philli light (HEA)
D: Fish no batter 1/2 portion of chips (8.5 syns)
Advent chocolate (1 syn)
I have a work one on the 12th and my bookclub one on the 15th there is another work one on the 18th but I don't really want to go to that one so I am dodging the organiser at the moment.
I only want to go to one work one and the bookclub one. To be honest I would skip the bookclub one even though I love it because they are having it in a burger joint with no healthy options and it's the day before weigh in but it was my turn to choose the book this month so I can't really. Anything else I will be dodging.

Today I have had a bag of pop chips because I normally eat at work but it has been meetings all day plus I am training someone so I haven't had the chance. I have a really big lunch though. Tin of stewed steak (4 syns) bag of steam veg, punnet of strawberries and a pack of pomengranate seeds.
Took the cat to the vets today as his abcess hasn't gone down so he has to be sedated and have it drained. Poor little sod was very cross when we left him there.

B: 70g Bite size shredded wheats (HEB and 6 syns), 100ml skim milk banana
L: Sushi (2 syns) Strawberries, 5 syn crisps
D: Steak, sw chips and salad. Raspberries