Snow's healthy living ramblings

Well the lump turned out not to be an abcess but a growth. Due to where it is it can't be removed as it too close to his spine and would interfere with ability to go to the toilet. The vet said that he would advise not getting it biopsied as whether it is malignant or benign due to Lexi's age the treatment would be just to keep him on anti-inflamatories as long as he is happy and eating etc (which he is - he was before his first vet visit - the lump just worried us.) So not the best news but it could have been worse. We have just about been forgiven I think (gave him Tuna for his tea when he got home which probably helped) Little bit worried about if is not a benign growth as I am in a lot of denial about my kitties getting old. :( Didn't go completely off plan like last time I was worried about him so there is that.

EE Today
B: beans on toast (HEB) plus black pudding (4.5syns) and 1 bit bacon with fat (2 syns) and a banana
L: Corn beef pie, (3 syns) peas pudding, pickled onions and beetroot and a apple
D: Slow cooker lamb casserole (1 syn for gravy pot), strawberries and raspberries

Pina colada muller light
another banana
Green day today.

B 70g Shredded wheat bites (HEB x 2) banana 100ml skim milk (part hea)
L:Sushi 4 syns maltesers reindeer (8 syns)
D: Pasta bake ( rest of HEA 1.5 syns for smartprice macaroni on the top) garlic bread (8 syns)
Green day again
B:Banana on toast (HEB)
L quorn kievs (4 syns) supernoodles
D: Pasta bake (hea plus 1.5 syns and salad

Going out for a coffee at the farm shop today so will need much will power to be good.
Oh I failed entirely and had a cream scone and a hot chocolate so there will be no bowing required. They were both amazing so I can't be too sad about it. I have been on plan all week apart from that (I think - I am now worried I was horrendously off plan some other day?) My home/uni scales were already showing a gain this morning which may be a little part of why I said oh well CREAM SCONE NOM NOM. If I am going to have a gain Tuesday I want something I can blame it on!
Red Day
B:Fat free yoghurt and banana with honey (1 tsp - 1 syn)
L: Salad with crabsticks and 1 syn extra light mayo and an apple
D: Youngs fish and butter (3 syns) with veg and potato (HEB) followed by Stawberries and raspberries

HEA1 - milk in tea. I am bored with green tea and so not drinking enough so having chai tea so will have milk in it.
HEB2 + HEA2 - going to have a cheese toastie.
Velvet crunch (4 syns)
cheese toastie
another Apple
EE today
B: Oats (6 syns) banana and honey (1 syn)
L: Pease pudding and ham sandwich (HEB) Apple
D: Low fat Ocean crumble and veg (2 syns)

9 syns!

I have been thinking about Christmas and how to cope at lot. I have always planned to have a couple of days off and then basically had the full two weeks off and I really don't want to do that again. I have made a promise though that even if I do slip and do that I will go straight back to slimming world after and get back on plan - I have even asked for countdown vouchers for Christmas. I have never done as well as 4 stone off on a diet before and I do not want to fall off the wagon this time. I want to get to 5 - then 6 and so on.
My scales are showing a STS from last week instead of a gain but they have been dodgy lately and aren't sending the data through to the university so who knows how reliable they are.

I have my work christmas do on friday this week and then my bookclub christmas do on monday next so even though I plan to be completely on plan apart from those events it will probably be a gain next tuesday too. I am going to try and stick to 10 syns per day this week to allow for those days being over but if it is a choice of blowing it because I can't have something I want or having my full syns then I will have the full syns.

After my bookclub christmas I have nothing planned until Christmas itself so I am hoping I can get a loss on the 23rd weigh in. Though I do have a family friend coming to stay for Christmas and she arrives on the 20th but that doens't mean I have to be bad!

I plan to be good on Christmas eve as I am work so that will be a normal day breakfast and lunch wise, - I am going to cook salmon, veg and new potatoes for tea . We would normally have a takeaway on Christmas eve but we have my MIL too who is gluten free so doesn't trust take aways so will do this instead so that's automatically an improvement food wise. Christmas day I am just going to cook what I normally would for Christmas dinner. It's Christmas - there is only so much you can do. Christmas morning I will do a full breakfast which I can do slimming world style with bacon with no fat and low fat sauages etc. I've asked everyone to not get me chocolates etc and even though I'm sure we'll have some in I'll try and avoid them. I haven't bought wine or booze for anyone else yet but I have bought myself low alchol wine as it's less calories. )Lambrini Luci and Black Tower B Red to make my own mulled wine)

Weigh in is on the 30th so we'll see what that brings but I am fine with gain then.

i don't know if I am going to my parents on Boxing Day or the 27th yet but whichever day I do I will be off plan. Then I will be on plan until new years eve at which point I will be having party food (some low syn some not) and then back on plan on New Years Day.
Your plans sound very civilised and good Snow!! I understand what you mean about saying you are only going to have a day or two off plan that spirals into a couple of weeks!!

Definitely good that MIL is gluten free as that removes the attraction of an easy takeaway and im liking your plans of a fry up on xmas morning that you will probably end up naturally adapting to a SW friendly version anyway out of habit!

Im rooting for you to have a great time, yet remain relatively on plan! You have to be good to balance out all the syns im going to be having!!
I have promised myself that even if it spirals into weeks off I will then get back on plan in Jan. I worry about it a lot really. I am going to try and be good and balance out your syns

EE today
B: Oats (6 syns) banana and honey (1 syn)
L: Pease pudding and ham sandwich (HEB) Apple
D: Slow cooker mismash of bean casserole veg, tomatoes, stock, paprika, and some meat that has been in the freezer so long I am not sure if it is pork or chicken. MMMM. I am annoyed I forgot to put garlic in this so I might text my OH who is not in work until later and ask him to stick in some garlic paste as I am out of lazy garlic.

I have to finish work early today to get home before he goes to work because our central heating is knackered UGH what a time of year for it.
Hi hun here to subscribe. well done on the loss hun going to look out for the quorn Kievs girls xxx
The mishmash just tasted like a v mild chilli so that was alright.

Welcome Jules and thanks - I really like the quorn kievs so hope you like them.

B: Nothing - not at work and didn't get up until 11
L: Hams and pease pudding sandwhichs (HEB + 6 syns) Melon medley and some pomegranate seeds
T: Chicken burgers (2 syns) and veggie stirfry.
Fruit winder 3 syns

11 syns.
Thanks hun morrisons do them where i live so I got some. i love melon xxx
Hope you like them Jules

EE: Today
B: Cherries, clementine, banana
L Apple and pomegranate seeds
D; Work night out - three course meal including drinks

Syns - Millions no doubt.
Well done on your uni essay hun.Enjoy your night out. xxx