Snow's healthy living ramblings

Thanks guys. It was a good night. I broke even at blackjack just about and everything was delicious if not very slimming world friendly!

Just going to list what I had to give me an idea of syns.
Pasha cocktail (midori 4, passao 5 and apple juice (5?) 14
Diet coke malibu (2.5)
glass of asti (6?)
Double amaretto 8
porn star martini - can't remember what was in this apart from passoa will count it as 14 too
Pork terrine with chutney and crisp breads
Turkey dinner - Going to say 15 for the roasties, gravy, stuffing and the single pig in blanket, turkey, carrots sprouts and swede free
Xmas pudding - this was the tiniest portion of Xmas pud you can imagine but came with brandy sauce so 10?
2 x mince pies - these were mini so going to count as 5 each.

Today I got up late so no breakfast - thinking about doing a green day.
L: slimming world chips
D: Veggie pasta bake one HEA plus 1.5 syns
Thinking of having a big bowl of cereal as both HEBs plus some of my other HEA.
Glad you had a good time last night hun. xxx
My scales say I have put 5 pounds on! It wasn't that good of a night haha Oh dear. Another Green day today
B: Cherries, banana, 2 x 35 g mini shredded wheats, 150ml wholemilk (2 x HEB, 0.5 of HEA)
L: Quorn Kievs, low fat supernoodles (4 syns)
D: Veggie pasta bake (1.5 syns plus HEA)

My OH is loaded with flu and I'm trying to avoid catching it due to the absence review at work so taking echinacea and vitamin c which I refuse to syn (I doubt the echinacea has syns but the vitamin c is quite sweet so might)

He took this photo of me when I got in the other night but was so out of it he didn't realise I had my eyes closed so it isn't great. Using it as a progress pic anyway as the dress is a size 24 which I'm pleased about considering I was a 32 when I started!



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I love your purple dress hun well done on your clothes drop in dress sizes xxxx
Thanks - I'm very chuffed with that dress both because of the size which I know is still big but the smallest I have been in some time but also because it was £18 from new look which seems like a bargain after having to shop in evans for years.
Thanks hun - I've got to my four stone but then have been going backwards - just so much on this time of year. Hoping to shift some of it for next week before the main event.

You're doing amazingly though - you could be at 5 stone for Xmas the rate you are going!

Green Day today
B: Porridge (HEB) banana, honey 1 syn, cherries
L Speed tomato soup, clementine, banana
D: mushy pea curry and rice, strawberries

Muffin (12 syns)

Going to use my HEA on milk today for a change
Muffin (12)
Honey (1)
Must admit I've also found it hard this month.. I've had loads of days where I've gone over to 30 syns, so I've had none the next day (Seems to have worked.. ish!) but because of having none the next day I would then have 30 again the next.. endless cycle haha! (Today I've decided to stick to 10 because I must have had 30 again yesterday.. Had a white roll with italian salami and butter and also a 9 syn pack of crisps.. and I was already on 5 syns by then haha.) But I've been running around like a loon with it being December so that's what probably helped ;) (I got to a job interview an hour early and ended up going in a cafe, hence the roll and crisps.. oops!) But yeah would be nice to reach 5st for christmas.. Would be a great christmas pressie! :)

Your food looks yum. I want a muffin now lol. :D
To be honest I have been quite bad about tracking things this month and then I look back and think I've been good when I probably haven't so I must start writing everything down.

I decided I would love a 4lb loss next week as I have not had a big loss in a while and also that wouldtake me back to 4 stone lost before Xmas (where I will no doubt gain again) so I'd tried to plan ahead by bringing speed soup (which tbh I don't even like but has to be eaten as part of my clear out the freezer for the xmas shop) and getting mushy pea curry out for tonight as its speed food and then came to work and bought a muffin (someone where I work makes them regularly to sell to raise money for charity so at least I can say it's in a good cause) I also know it's 12 syns as she gave me the reciepe so I could work it out so I have written it down and will just be counting it in my syns for today.

That roll sounds amazing btw. Fingers crossed for a good outcome from your interviews!
It's what I'll be doing as well.. :)

And if it's for charity it's worth it ;)

The roll was amazing. I didn't realise how much I've missed white bread!!

Which super speed soup are you doing?
White bread is so nice Have you seen the HEB ww petit pain - I love them but only have them once a week or so to stop a bread spiral happening.

It is the tinned tomatos, carrots, beans and pickled onion one. I think it tastes of raw tomato - this is the last portion of it from the freezer clear out at least.
Today I have also had a rocky road bite size (53 calories so 2.5 syns) an options hot chocolate we'll count as 3 because it was an indivdual sachet and the first one exploded everywhere so I had to open another so probably 1 and a half sachets and they are 2 syns each. I have had 3 0.5 sugar free butter scotch sweets.

I just realised that i only planned one HEB/HEA and i'm on a green day so I can have a syn free cheese toastie when I get home which really made my day which is a bit sad really.

Total 20 syns :)
Yeah I put onions in and then a couple of slices on the outside which the toastie machine crisps up - sprayed it with garlic frylight so was lush. The mushy pea curry (another freezer using up idea) was actually nicer than when I had it first time which is just probably because even though it was frozen, curry is always nicer after it's been left a bit.
It's been a bit hectic here mainly because I have fought with my OH about Christmas non stop for about three days the outcome of which is that he got his way as always and I now have my MIL Xmas eve, xmas day, boxing day and don't see my family until the 27th when he isn't even going to come because he's back at work. He has also broken the dishwasher which we'll have to use my xmas money off my nan to get repaired if it's even repairable. Feeling very bah humbug and have eaten terribly so will probably gain tomorrow and then next week as well. I was grumpy about being at work but right now I think I'd rather be at work because he's off until xmas eve.
Why not make a deal with him and say next year is with your family? And get him to hold up a sign agreeing with this years date on and take a photo so he can't back out next year?
I would be mega upset if I were you. Big hugs hunni xxxx
That was the deal we made last year MC :mad:. We used to take turns between my folks, his mum (his parents are divorced and his dad is perfectly happy to spend xmas in the pub and see us whenever suits) and having xmas on just the two of us but the last few years its been a bit different as we do have a houseguest for xmas because a friend of ours who is from the states but doing her phd in Wales comes to us for xmas as she can't afford to fly home and all the other students go home so it is never just us.

My OH is the only one who drives and the last two years he has said he doesn't want to drive on xmas day at all which means that not only do I have to cook, his mother has to stay with us xmas eve, xmas day and then leave boxing day (which means we have to make the houseguest we already have sleep on the couch so his mother can have the spare room as she couldn't possibly stay on the couch) because he won't even go and get her xmas morning. Last year we did go to my parents on boxing day and his mother won't come to my parents even though she is invited and apparently complained for months after (to OH not to me) that I rushed her out of the house on boxing day because we were going out. It drives me crazy and frankly every year I start stressing about xmas in about October. It means by the time my MIL arrives even if she is perfectly nice to me (which she will be because she is always nice at least my face) I will just be seething with resentment inside until she leaves because she has got her own way again so I never really enjoy xmas day itself. Despite plans to be good in the run up to xmas all of this has me on edge and comfort eating and that makes me more angry as I am undoing all my hard work this year. Xmas just seems like a big load of stress and expense I could do without and its even more annoying because my OH and I are both pagan so don't really celebrate it yet can't get away it as it' s more a commercial/family holiday.

Next year I am telling him I am spending xmas at my parents and if he doesn't want to come he is welcome to stay home and cook xmas dinner for his mother himself!

Whups that turned into word vomit about how much I hate xmas - Sorry for all the bah humbug.
Big hugs hunni. :(
Try to relax, maybe put salt instead of sugar in his tea, and smile sweetly? Oh what's up honey? Why did you spit out your tea?

But yeah, Good luck for today and I hope the damage is minimal. We have a Christmas taster.. I shan't help myself before WI lol ;)

Hope you manage to sort it out with him. I don't know what I would do in your shoes. :( I've added you on FB so if you need a rant feel free to message me. xxxx