Snow's healthy living ramblings

Haha he can make his own bloody tea!

Thanks hun. I feel a bit better for having a rant about it on here - got it out of my system a bit at least.

We do too - no-one goes near the food before WI haha. I have made syn free chicken tikka and mincemeat filo parcels (2 syns each) but they went a bit wrong so I am going to call them mincemeat filo explosions :)
Foodwise over the last couple of days.

So food update of doom
Friday I had on plan breakfast and lunch and then chinese food for tea after massive arguments.

Saturday I had no breakfast and then a ham and peas pudding sandwich then left over chinese food

Sunday I had breakfast with my parents and sister at my parents house as I had to go and see them and drop off presents and my dad was out in the afternoon and my sister out in the evening. My mum made us pancakes, maple syrup, bacon with fat on, croissants and so on. It was lovely. I had no lunch due to massive breakfast and then had a completely syn free tea of salmon, oxo roasties and broccolli.

yesterday I had a bacon sandwich for breakfast (fat on) but wholemeal bun, salmon fillet and a john west light lunch for lunch, and then aldi mussels in white wine (2 syns) with 2 ww petit pains for tea

Today i had another bacon sandwich and then soup for lunch.
Hi Snow, your food doesn't sound too bad to me! At this time of year I think its hard to have on plan meals because you know you're allowing the odd treat- the spiral that so many of us struggle with. I'm sorry your OH won't compromise and its spoiling things for you- my OH & I have the same agreement and have stuck to it quite well for the last 8 years but its a struggle I see many couples having, after all everyone just wants to be with their loved ones! Hope you manage to salvage it and enjoy your day- if you drink, I find a bottle of prosecco & orange juice with brekkie puts me in the right frame of mind to cope with my F-i-L to be haha x
Thanks guys. I am feeling a bit better about it now. Had a good time at group despite putting 2lbs on. The filo mince explosions went down very well haha and tried lots of other nice bits. I don't like Prosecco as I like sweet drinks I have some Lambrini luci which is 1.5 syns per 125 mls so will be having that I think - may very well start at breakfast.
Do you mean Asti - I love that as it's sweet and have bought a couple of bottles for xmas day - in two minds about whether to have that with everyone else or the lambrini due to syns - suspect I will end up with asti.
Today's food:
breakfast: nothing
lunch: work buffet (all the syns) mince pie, corned beef pie, doritos, sausages rolls and home made (not by me) cakes
dinner: salmon fillet, oxo roasties, green beans (syn free at least?)
haha well that one is a minced beef pie as this appears to be a mainly savoury buffet but I am going to make some more mince filo parcels (hopefully none exploding ones) tonight so that i can have them over the next few days instead of the full syn ones.
Least said about Christmas the better - oh well. First day back on plan properly today and went a bit wrong at starbucks but oh well - going to start logging again.

B: Weetabix, banana and cinnamon (HEB)
L: Eggnog latte (I only drank half as it was so sickly) and gingerbread loaf (25 syns for both based on the calories)
D: Smoked salmon and brocolli pasta with a philli light sauce (HEA)
Apricot, maltester mini reindeer (3 syns)

I did go out and deliver a load of leaflets for my consultant and am about to go for a swim too so there is that.
Okay plan is to be on plan today.
Red Day
B: Weetabix, banana and cinnamon, splash of skimming milk (6 syns, part of HEA1)
L: Ham, cheese (rest of HEA1 plus HEA2) and beetroot, baked kale, pease pudding (2 syns)
D: Mussels in white whine sauce, (4 syns) 2 ww petit pains (HEB x 2)
Apple, clementine, apricot

Going swimming tonight when OH gets in from work.
Rosie- you can get the WW petit pains at Tesco. Ive even seen them in my local little tesco so fingers crossed you can find them. They freeze well too! I've got two packs in my freezer!

Hope you're Christmas wasn't too stressful Snow. And you'll lose those few gained pounds quickly enough!

Your family breakfast / brunch sounds amazing! Very continental!
It wasn't that bad in the end. I can only get the ww petit pains in Tesco's too. They must have an exclusive or something.

I lost 3.5lbs tonight which amazed me. I have been doing lots of swimming though. Just new year to go now.
Well done! :D
Thanks guys. I am not sure how I did it as I was offplan xmas eve, xmas day, boxing day and the 27th and over syns after that. I suppose the only things is I was never 100% off plan as I still had slimming world friendly breakfasts and did lots of swimming etc? I will take it though.

For NYE the plans are to stay in and have a buffet and a movie marathon. Some of the buffet food is okay some not so much. Lots of crudites, smoked salmon bits, prawns etc, syn free salsa, then some doritos and spring rolls, krispy kremes (one box of plain instead of the usual 2 boxs of assorted so slightly better?but not by much) and ice cream. I have bought some low syn wine - lambrini luci, black tower b the echo falls vie and a J chenet cassis light sparkling wine so lots better than some years. I seem to have come down with that flu like bug and spent the night after I got in from wi last night shivering. Still detemined to enjoy my NYE though as 100% on plan from new years day.

Hope everyone has a lovely new year!
We're watching a selection of Harry Potters. I got the second Hunger Games for Christmas and saw the third at the cinema a few weeks a go - they are excellent, I loved the books though so glad the films have been true to them. What do you have planned Rosie? All the best for 2015.