Snow's healthy living ramblings

Well new year could have been better as I didn't go near the carrot sticks etc but did eat lots of the not so good stuff but then I didn't keep most of it down. Today I have had a banana, a krispy kreme, some cheese and crackers and going to have more cheese with ww petit pains in a bit then ice cream and that should clear out most of the seasonal rubbish at least.

I have also ordered off amazon with my xmas money a spiraliser for doing veggie pasta and a one of those apple corer/peeler/slicer things because I have always wanted one. Veggie pasta would be a good to incorporate into SP days I think. I am going to see how I feel tomorrow but I think I may try out SP on saturday and sunday.

The swimming has fallen by the way side as I do not want to give the whole pool my germs so I will probably see a gain next week between that and new year food and the possibility of christmas catching up with me. My houseguest goes home tomorrow though which makes it a bit easier to plan to be on plan.

I have never really done new year resolutions but have always half heartedly planned to lose weight. I had a terrible december really and gained overall but I am still a little bit proud I stuck to plan at all as normally I have started eating for xmas in about october and have put up to two stone on in the past. This month I put 2.5lb overall. This year my plan is to keep going to group (my count down has three weeks on it, then I get my club 10 free week and then I have a 12 week voucher and a 6 week voucher I got for xmas so that should help!) Always stay to group. I am going to swim at least twice a week. To try and get my step goal 5 days out of 7. And drink more water!
Well yesterday I had some chips (chip shop ones) and ice cream neither of which i kept down. The study scales are showing a massive loss which means they aren't as close to slimming world anymore or the fever i have had for days has burnt off some calories.

Today i have had two apples (sliced, peeled and cored with my new gadget!) It's really neat - I forgot to get more apples with the shopping though idiot that I am.

I really want pancakes and proper ones not magic ones I am thinking of just making some. My recipe is 100g flour, 1 egg, 150ml water 150 ml skim milk and this does me and OH so if I took milk out of my HEA, Egg is free and then it is 16 syns for the flour so 8 syns. Lemon juice is free - then syns for sugar?

I was going to do SP today but not sure how I'd count the synned pancakes then. I think I will just do Green as planing bean enchiladas for tea (syn free if using HEB and HEA) and this way I get two HEA's so can put more cheese on them.
I didn't have enchiladas yesterday as ended up having ham and pease pudding, HEB garlic bread and home made coleslaw while my OH had full fat coleslaw and potato salad and the remains of the xmas cheese.
Doing SP today! Didn't have breakfast as slept in - still feeling really rubbish and it's back to work tomorrow.
Bacon (P) Beans (P) and Melon (S) 1 syn tomato ketchup
Enchiladas Refried Beans (P) chopped tomatoes (S) onion (S) peppers (S) with b free wraps (HEB's) and cheese HEA
Strawberries (S)
Apples (S)

Decided to add some turkey to the enchiladas to up the protein as they were mainly speed and I get 2 HEB's without avoiding meat on SP!

ketchup 1
mini malteasers reindeer 3
tea with sugar 3 (2 sugars, splash skim milk)
lemon drizzle cakes 4 syns (2 syns each)
11 so far
I have had to ring in sick so worried about that. The antibiotics don't seem to have any affect at all yet but I have a few more days of them.
I only ate half the enchiladas yesterday so just one B choice and half an a choice but I had synned some milk so not that bad. Having the other half for tea tonight so thats one b choice and half an a. Doing SP again
B: Weetabix with cinnamon and hot water and sweetner, 1 tsp options (1 syn) Apple (S)
L: courgette pasta(S) with bacon (P) and cheese sauce (made with other half of HEA in philli and some quark (P)
D: Enchiladas Refried Beans (P) Turkey (P) chopped tomatoes (S) onion (S) peppers (S) with b free wrap (HEB's) and half of HEA cheese
Apple (S)
Courgette "pasta"


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No the texture was different though as I didn't cook the courgette v long so it still had a bit of bite so not really like pasta texture but it did the job? Sauce was nice - I just made the sauce, made the courgette ribbons and chucked them in there to warm through as wanted it to taste of the sauce as I think courgette tastes of nothing - I will definitely be doing again though on SP or red days as it was so easy.
3 bags of space raiders (9 syns)
tea - scampi (breaded from the freezer so lots of syns), frylighted potato
john west light lunch (4.5 syns)
2 bags of space raiders (6 syns)
tea - scampi (breaded from the freezer so lots of syns), sw chips, mince pie (13 syns)
Today (SP)
B: Porridge oats (HEB) with cinnamon and an apple (S) chopped on top
L: pease pudding (P) sandwich (HEB) with two carrots chopped up (S) (1 syn mustard)
D: Corgetti Bolognaise with HEA of cheese (5% mince,(P) tomatoes(S), onions (S) carrots (S) and celery (S) with corgette ribbons for pasta and HEA of cheese on

Apple (S)
Space raiders (3 syns)

4 syns total so far