Snow's healthy living ramblings

haha i didn't eat much those days as I was ill again so hoping the scampi and space raiders overload don't lead to a gain - I love space raiders I need to not buy them as low syns as they are - i could easily eat a multipack in one sitting.
Hope you'll feel better soon :)

I may have to get some space raiders in now :D
Having an ordinary ee day today.

B: porridge (heb) with chopped apple and cinnamon
L: low fat ocean crumble (3 syns)
D: pasta bake (hea)

banana on toast (6 syns)

2 syn cupcake
2 syn space raiders
3 syn ocean crumble
6 syns banana on toast
EESP today
B: Porridge HEB plus 2 apples and cinnamon
L: 12 aldi crackers (12 syns) plus 30g salmon pate (3.5 syns) plus HEA of Philli light.
D: diet coke chicken with veggie stir fry - they didn't have any cauliflower at the shop and i am not sure how well frozen cauliflower will work so will have to put off cauliflower rice for now.
crackers 12
salmon pate 3.5
15.5 so far - may have a mini pack of maltesers and have 20.5 for the day.
Second HEB of 2 rocky roads.
haha it is a fair question - there is a serious amount of sw puds that just taste like egg and sweetner! I can never remember the linking rules on here but it is this recipe I have been making so hope it is allowed as it isn't my blog so am not promoting myself or anything. They don't taste eggy or like sweetner at all - they taste like real cake! Also because the recipe only makes 6 there is a limit to how much you can indulge - would only be 12 syns if you ate all of them! I worked out that 90g of flour is actually 14.4 syns which makes them 2.4 each so around 2. I have been making mine with quark instead of yoghurt as you are allowed quark on SP but not yoghurt.
Ordinary EE day as am back at work today - still not 100% but getting there
B Porridge (HEB) plus banana and apple
L John west light lunch (4 syns) plus melon
D Pasta of some variety I think with HEA of cheese

Apple, pear, clementine, pop chips (5 syns) mini malteser bunny (3 syns)
Extra Easy again
B: Porridge, apple banana (HEB)
L: crabsticks, salad and melon
D: not sure may get fish and chips and remove batter and syn the chips
Apple and pear
2 x malteser mini bunnies (6syns)
I was talking abuot my study scales in the Tuesday weighers thread and trying not to pay attention to them - I'm getting to the point where I am wondering what they point of them is they are so out there. I was thinking I might STS which might make sense after such a big loss last week because the study scales have been the same all week but I forgot to weigh on them in the morning yesterday so went on last night where they showed a 6 pound loss from what i was sunday morning (which being slightly less than slimming world usually due to a morning weigh meant they showed i was in the next stone bracket down by a few pound which was nice but did not seem very likely to be accurate. I went on the study scales this morning before work and they showed I'd gained 8lbs overnight but given they are being a bit dodgy i have no idea what to expect. Not that I really did anyway as the study scales and slimming world are never in sync.
3lb on which I was a little disappointed about as I wasn't that bad but I lost 3.5 after a not on plan Xmas and then 6lb after a not on plan New Year so I guess that is just catching up with me. Back on plan now and going to do a mix of days and do some meal planning.