2 off for me!!! But bear in mind that took me 2 weeks!!!
I am now under 11 stone though
Oh yay - that must be so sweet to be under 11 stones, can't even imagine how good that would feel!
1lb off for me

which is the last of my 'gourmet' weight off. Looking forward to moving forward again.
That's fabulous, Gail, well done - I'm so pleased that you've shifted the slight weight gain so quickly, that's really inspirational, because I will gain again, and the important thing it to lose the pounds as quickly!
OMG OMG - 1 lb off for me taking me for the first time in over 5 years in the 10 stone bracket - I am so very very happy - can you see my Cheshire cat beam??
I think I can see your smile!!!! Lol well done, you and Woodland Girl have moved to new milestones together, that's fantastic!
i STS this week, but good for the majority then the past 2 days i had foods that were rather salty so i'm putting that down to water retention, lol
good luck all
Yeah, sometimes that happens, and I think a STS is a victory. Liking the new avatar!
*sneaks in the backdoor, hides under the table & whispers ' i gained 2lbs'*
However after a very stressful week it could have been worse, plus i went out with hubby last night (first night in 7 weeks) and had steak, chips, mushrooms, tomato & onion rings followed by dark chocolate tart and cream ( and several bottles of smirnoff ice!)......so all in all i'm quite happy with a 2lb gain! lol
Awwwwwww. Sorry you've had a rubbish week. A small gain is understandable, and you turned up and weighed in, which is the most important thing of all. I hope next week is sweeter for you!
I need to weigh myself this morning for a new starting weight and I'm afraid to!
We're all friends here PinkToaster - don't be afraid, just grit your teeth, step on the scales, and post here - you'll get loads and loads of support and you'll be slinky svelte in no time!
Hello everyone - I am back after 6 weeks of being AWOL and falling off the wagon in spectacular style. I was ill for a few weeks so couldn't be bothered with anything and then have been to Tenerife for 2 weeks so thought I might as well wait until I get back.
Anyway I am back now and weighed in this morning with a 4lb gain which isn't too bad all things considering. I went shopping yesterday so I could start again today.
Welcome back! And a four pound gain is *nothing* - you'll lose that in no time, I know!