Happy Saturday morning everyone! Hope people are having a great week. I've struggled this week, it's been really odd - I haven't overeaten or anything, but I've hit a real mental block about weight loss, which is very very very very odd. I can't even describe it at all. I just feel like I've put it all back on again, even though I have been eating healthily all week and exercising. Maybe I am struggling under the enormity of all it (no pun intended).
I've been sticking to Slimming World a lot, and tracking everything. I do have a question though - I had a Sainsburys BGTY meal in the week (spaghetti and meatballs) which was like all their other foods in that range, which are between 300 and 400 calories and about 7 or 8 syns. This one wasn't on their online food list, so I entered all the details to get a syn value, and it came to 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this is right, because it's so low in calories and fat etc, but I've gone with the syn value because I'm trying to be accurate. Would you consider this about 8 instead?
I guess it gets tiring to be plodding along after nine months, and knowing I've got at least another year and a half ahead of me. Clothes are getting me down as well - I keep changing size, which is great, but clothes that are too big and baggy look horrible, but they are still relatively new. I've bought a load of stuff from eBay this week, which is quite exciting, so hopefully that will give me a zing.
Anyway, hope everyone's doing okay - I think tihs is quite a tricky time for a lot of us.....