Well done, Woodland Girl, that's a really great target to reach - and how that the baptism went well!!!
Awwww, one little pound is nothing at all!!! Have a happy holidays, and enjoy yourself - look forward to seeing you when you get back!
Well done, Why_D, you're such an inspiration to me, and I love how determined you are. You're doing so well!!
Exactly, Joanna, new day, new week, new start - you're doing so well to keep focused and keep on, and this is a tiny little blip!
Thank you Why_D, I cannot weight (wait!) to get there, lol.
Awwwww, that's nothing at all. With this hot weather (not where I am though...:cry

we'll all lose loads of weight this week!
Well done on a good result, Silly Sausage - you're right, it's a marathon and not a sprint, and I'm realising that more and more these days. Your kitchen sounds fabulous - I love the colour ruby in decor!!!
Again, I just know that you're doing to see a big loss this week - well done, madmavey!
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done on reaching that first stone, that's fantastic!!
It's very quiet, Why_D - I guess it's the holiday season and all that. Kind of odd though!
Well done on a STS, I know this week is going to be a great one for you!
Well done on doing the Race for Life, that's fantastic!!!!
Well, my lovely people, new week and I'm determined to have a great week. I have a mission - I want to lose 8 lbs in July and lose a 100 lbs in a year, so I am going to be posting here a LOT this next month to motivate myself