Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Hi everyone - some great losses and a couple of STS is a great result.

I had another good week, on plan 100% and loads of exercise, but this week its only shown me a 0.2kg loss. No idea why. I do track my fat and muscle percentages on my fancy scales, and according to that I have lost quite a bit of fat but gained a bit of muscle, so perhaps that's why. I know I've done nothing different this week, so I'm sure it will catch up with me eventually.
Well done Honey, Silly Sausage, Gail and Sparky. Some amazing losses this week - we should add them all up once everyone has posted to do group loss totals each week. Some amazing targets reached u must be so happy! You go girls!!

Whyd and Lynnt STS is not a gain and sometimes our bodies do this for a couple of weeks when getting used to body changes before more losses. Keep at it and well done on posting your results - loving the none scale victories all.

I also really concentrated on my fluid intakes this week and it looks like it paid off I lost 3lbs this week and am very pleased with myself. Now under 13st and only 1lb away from my 3 stone badge.

Honey I love your posts each week - love the idea of setting little goals for each week. Mine for next week are:

1. Keep up the fluid intakes
2. Do more exercise
Yay. Well done Sarah and well done Sparky !! Brilliant.

Sparky - the loss of fat and gain of muscle may well have something to do with it. Well done. I wish I had measured my body fat and muscle before I started but because I wasn't confident enough that this would work, I didn't because I didn't want to depress myself. It must be great seeing the changes though.

Sarah - I agree with previous posts. Your new profile pic is fabulous ! :)
Nice one Sparky! A loss is a loss and you are building muscle which means you will be burning more calories from now on.

Sarah - you are steaming past all these milestones! There is no stopping you these days. Well done!
My happy day has taken a bit of a nosedive with the announcement that my teenage daughter left my bank card on a bus yesterday :mad: I have about 2p in my purse and the new card will take about 7 working days. I don't want to start using the Christmas savings :( and don't have any photo id to get money over the counter.

I was freaking out! We are going to starve! OMG I will have to post on the tea thread that I'm eating dandelions! :eek:

I have just been through the fridge and cupboards and it turns out we have loads of food (enough for cauliflower cheese, thai quorn curry, spaghetti and quorn meatballs, stuffed mushrooms, cheeseburgers, chips, leek and pea pasta, lentils, chickpeas, rice, bread flour, quark, meringues, baked beans, chutneys, jams, frozen stuff. There is some die-hard lettuce in the garden and 4 cabbages)

It begs the question, why do I go food shopping every week?? Hehehe!! I am going to save a fortune this week! Every cloud....:D
Interestingly, my scales also measure BMR and that has gone up to more than it was a fortnight ago, despite me weighing less, and that must be because I have gained muscle and lost fat.

Yaay! With a higher BMR you can eat more and stay the same - or eat the same and lose more!

I have Homedics scales that measure all sorts, but the body fat content bit freaked me out so I just use them for weight. They are great. Any floor surface, any direction, they always measure the same.
STS this week and am well gutted!! Thought I had been really good aswell. Think I will have to start a food diary.

Hey look, we both started the same day and have both lost 6lb with a STS this week, maybe we are in sync. I'll look out for your loss next week because I'm determined to have a loss and you have to keep up with me lol:flirt2:

And thank you folks for all the positive comments, they sure help:flowers:
slscarborough said:
STS this week and am well gutted!! Thought I had been really good aswell. Think I will have to start a food diary.

Apologies if I have got this wrong, but I am posting from my phone and you don't get all the profile info, but it could be because of where you are in your cycle? If you have lost 2 pounds in weight but gain 2 pounds of water you are going to register a sts. If that is the case you might find a big loss next week.
OFF TOPIC: I am :eek: that somebody handed in my daughter's handbag that she left on a bus in the city centre on Saturday night - complete with purse, bank card, house keys and ipod touch. Hurrah! My faith in mankind is massive now. Celebrating with vegetable soup.
silly sausage said:
OFF TOPIC: I am :eek: that somebody handed in my daughter's handbag that she left on a bus in the city centre on Saturday night - complete with purse, bank card, house keys and ipod touch. Hurrah! My faith in mankind is massive now. Celebrating with vegetable soup.

That is great news! My daughter lost a £20 note in the queue at B & Q once. She assumed the worse but I asked next time we were in there and someone had handed it in! Just shows there are some good people left.

Very restrained with the soup celebration!
OFF TOPIC: I am :eek: that somebody handed in my daughter's handbag that she left on a bus in the city centre on Saturday night - complete with purse, bank card, house keys and ipod touch. Hurrah! My faith in mankind is massive now. Celebrating with vegetable soup.

Celebrating with vegetable soup.

You really know how to have fun !!!!! ;)
P.S. Am really glad for you though :D
Thanks for the support yesterday. I am feeling much better today (and back in control) despite having a lovely meal out yesterday (including a restrained main course and a delicious pudding !!! All planned so I'm ok about it). Back on track today. Good luck for this week all of us Sunday weighers (and everyone else).

Thanks again.

Gail x
That is great news Silly Sausage - it is nice to know there are still nice people out there. mmm soup! Have been making my own syn free versions to try and help me through these winter months - red pepper and tomato for me today.

Good for you Gail we all have those frustrating STS weeks here's hoping for a good loss for you this week (and for the rest of us)!!

Am doing well with the water intake but really need to get my butt in motion with the exercise x x
Hey Sunday weighers!!

Silly Sausage, am so glad about the purse being handed in, that cheered me up, yay!
Gail, am glad that you're over the buffet, well done you, that's great to hear.

Just wanted to have a mid-week check-in on this thread, and to be cheering all of us on to success on Sunday! I have a bit of a rubbish end to the week, in that I have to go away for work for two days - I always find this triggers unhealthy eating, it's a real stinker for me.

Anyway, this week I am going to think ahead and do as much as I can to minimise making bad food choices. I'm going to take fresh fruit and snacks for the journey, make a healthy choice on Friday night, and on Saturday I'm going to try and eat as well as I can at the conference, but not stress out about it. Then coming back I can make healthy choices again and buy salmon salad and fruit for the journey. I probably won't drink as much water when I'm travelling, but I'm going to drink loads tomorrow and try to sip water all day.

Hope everyone's week is going well, I really am rooting for us to have a terrific set of results on Sunday. Yay us, we can do this! There's six weigh-ins till Christmas and seven till the New Year. I'm aiming to lose 15 lbs (it's a stretch) - but if I can get under 300 lbs for the start of 2011 I will be so so so so so happy!

What are your goals for the last seven Sunday weigh-ins of 2011???

(((((((((((group hugs)))))))))))) xx
Hi Honey,

I've got my fingers crossed for you. Hope the conference goes well. You have a brilliant attitude and a great plan so I have faith that you will manage your goal. I am so delighted about your progress. You are doing fantastically well.

I have been drinking much more than most weeks so hopefully that will help. Have been sticking to plan this week having a little of what I fancy, a little of what I don't want but is good for me ! and plenty of what I love but is good for me. Scales are heading in the right direction (see 'sneaker peekers' thread !).

I would like to lost another 7lbs to take me to 3 stone by the end of the year. If I can manage that I will be SOOO chuffed ! I think that is realistic and I'm pretty focused and motivated. I really hope you can make your target. I think it is achievable but a tough target. That would be amazing but no matter what you manage by the end of the year, I'm sure you look and feel so much better about yourself. Well done and I'm rooting for you :)
Good for you Honey hope the conference goes well - forward planning is definitely the way!

Went to Zumba class and did a good work out last night and am still keeping up with the fluid intakes. I am really surprised how motivated I still feel - coming on here and talking to you lovely ladies and guy (not forgetting Why_d) really helps.

I set myself a Crimbo target earlier in the year which I may not reach for Christmas but would like to for the new year. Another 13 lbs would be good but may be a tad too ambitious - I will give it a go anyway.

All the best for the weekend all x x