Hi everyone....I'm yet to learn how to multi-quote....so instead I just want to say a massive well done to everyone this week - as usual to those that have lost and to those that haven't for actually turning up.
For me this week I lost the demon 2.5lbs that appeared last week. Just feel a bit yo-yo'ey at the moment, but I'm now down for two weeks out of the hotel so hopefully I'll be able to do a couple of weeks bang on plan, which will show some positive results and get me back over into the 1 stone down brigade!
Honey - you're not a downer at all - this is what we're here for

I know I had a rant about downers earlier on in the week, but it's nothing to do with you or anyone else on this thread -- this particular girl was VERY unhappy and practically starving herself and she's only about 4lbs off target.
Anyway - we all have our moments, and yes, it is a marathon and not a sprint. A pretty long marathon too. I know myself there is nothing worse than looking at the scales after a 100% week and not much change. hell I did a double zumba class yesterday and another 45 minutes on the myfitness coach on the wii, and I weigh the same as yesterday morning and I wonder why I went through all that effort!
The reason we do it though, is that even if it's not a huge loss SW makes us feel in control - because it's still a loss. Once upon a time, pre SW, a weekly weigh in would almost certainly have meant seeing a gain. Did we particularly beat ourselves up then though? I most certainly did for about 2 minutes then bury my head in the sand and say "oh it's just a lb". And all those "just a lbs" added up. I am certain though, that when I
only lose a lb now, I beat myself up loads more than when it was a lb on. Which is madness. And I doubt you're all that much different so please just remember that. One day, I woke up and realised I was fat and had to do something about it. Surely it'll work the other way and one day we'll wake up and we'll finally be a size we're happy with.
I know it's daft me telling a seasoned SW'er like you who is doing so well, but when you look at your food diary, do you think it's repetitive in areas? Are there some changes you can make and add a bit of variety? Or maybe try a couple of the express success days?
Hope you find your mojo hon....I'm sure it's just hiding behind the sofa for a bit