Pea on legs!
Just done the wardrobe thing and have nothing to wear! Lol
Well, it's my mini restart. Lost the grand total of 1 lb over last 3 weeks, well lost 3 and 2 back on.
So, deep breath, better food and back to running !!
Have a great week xx
Lol WG - me neither! I've had a slow few weeks too, and made a change last week - measuring free carbs to control portion size - and it seems to have worked!
Can I join please?
It was my first WI today and I lost 3lb![]()
Welcome Stitchy and well done on your first WI!
Good morning everyone!
Well half a pound off for me, pleased as I have been a little naughty this week. Am determined to remain focussed though now as my hols are over and back in the routine. Good luck everyone due to weigh in and congratulations to those who have lost. X
Well done MadMavey - it's always good to lose when you've had an 'out of routine' week! Good luck for next week!
Well, i'd started off having a good week, but it kinda went to pot these last few days with a birthday dinner on thurs and then an unexpected lunch and dinner yesterday due to the good weather!
that said i'm 3lbs down! if i can do the same next week i'll have reached my first goal target on the anniversary of joining SW!! fingers crossed i can keep to a good week... already thinking of going out for dinner tonight, lol
Brilliant Why_d! Good luck for next week and congrats on your SW anniversary!
good tip i have heard that any decluttering helps with weightloss its all about cutting back on excess so less stuff less weight i think its feng shui. another good tip is in my room i have a vision board its all to do with the law of attraction you put on it what you want in life and it will appear.........i think i am going to put on some healthy things or phrases which will motivate me.
all that said i have gained 1.5 pounds this week and going for a weekend away to see me sis who is doing ww and only a pound from her target .......jealous moi hehe .......... i am just gonna start being rrrr strict with myself because its never worth it choc crisps popcorn pizza is never worth the disappointment i feel when that number on the scales goes up
sorry for being a downerxx
good luck everyone for the weigh in xx
Thanks for the tip Moomin - do you think if I pin-up a photo of Sean Bean he will magically appear?!
You're exactly right about eating rubbish. My old Consultant used to be full of those really annoying phrases - but they do stick in the mind! Her favourites were 'a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips' and 'little pickers wear big knickers'! Annoying, but true!
Enjoy your time with your sis and focus on what you have achieved - amazing weight loss!
Hi guys,
Well done to all the fabulous losers, and all the fabulous people who showed up before 9.30 am on a Sunday to weigh in - we are awesome!!
Okay, well after a big gain last week I am absolutely delighted to report a 4 lbs loss this Sunday, taking me back to a total of 93 lbs lost. Phew, that feels good, I am so pleased to have shifted some of my gain, almost all of it. Even more than that, I feel profound relief to be back on track so quickly again - makes me feel confident that I will carry on.
Next week is my one year anniversary. I cannot believe that I've been doing it for so long. I feel really really really good about that. So I'm going to have a huge week of eating well, making good choices, thinking about what I've learned.
Well done Honey - that's fab! Good luck for next week and happy SW anniversary! I've been at it for over a year too and when you think about it like that, it really makes you believe you can do this for life!
Yay 3lbs lost this week!! After feeling rubbish and bloated all week I am over the moon about this...still a very long way to go I know but at least is is moving in the right direction!
Congrats to everyone that has lost this week
Fingers crossed for next week :cross:
Woohoo! Well done Bex - fab loss! for me....not quite half scales say something like 0.4, but if my memory serves me correctly, i rounded down from 0.2 last week, so i'm kinda happy with practically staying the same this week given a terrible week in the hotel with banoffee pie and bottomless chips to tempt me! fortunately, it's only three nights this week...tonight, monday and tuesday and I'll be working hard to limit the damage as much as possible this week.....after not putting in enough effort this week and not seeing a huge difference, it has made me feel like I've been lucky this week and really need to pull my finger out!!!! So I'm off to make a batch of Superspeed soup for the days I'm home again!!! That should counteract the damage and then hopefully knock off a few extras!
most importantly....I'm still (albeit only just!!!) in the 11s (11 stone 13.5) which is my main long as I stay in this stone while I'm on my hotel stays, I'm quite happy
Good luck this week everyone...I'll try and not to lurk as much this week....that might help me find my mojo again
Joanna, I think you're doing amazingly well, given all the temptation that's put in your way every week.
When I go off plan because of things that I don't feel in control of, like business meals out, or stays in hotels, I try not to beat myself up too much about it and concentrate on what I did do differently, rather that what I 'failed' at. So, for instance, if I eat out now, I never have a bread roll, I never put butter on a baked potato, I always ask for sauces on the side, I don't usually have a pudding - all things I'd have done without thinking before!
Keep it up! x
Well only a pound on - not too bad really!!
Gonna try to start again today being that it is a Sunday . Off this week with the kids - let's hope it goes to plan. I have been invited out to a make-up party . So a bit of a dilemma - do I go and drink loads - or drive and save can fare and possible hangover/ diet (bearing in mind my last 3 weeks??) hmmmmmmmm
Go shopping Spanx!!! I don't keep any clothes that don't fit - they go straight to charity etc - but sounds like a great idea!!
Sounds like a 'no-brainer' to me K-wise - go, but drive! I have to admit that I hardly drink these days and I don't really miss it - well, I certainly don't miss the hangovers!
I keep planning on going shopping, but I have absolutely no idea what to buy. I've spent so many years in oversized T-shirts, baggy trousers or long skirts that the thought of even looking at other styles is flummoxing me a little!
I have some friends who are always telling me off for wearing things that are too big for me - perhaps I should bite the bullet and take one of them on a shopping trip for advice!
I'm sure you'll find your mojo and get that 1lb off in double-quick time - good luck for this week! x
Well, I changed things a little this week by weighing my carbs. I'd been overeating on pasta, rice and potatoes, (I do mainly green days) and my losses had really slowed-up. So this week I got the scales out and measured generous, but not OTT portions... It worked, as I have lost 2lbs this week and feel remotivated and back on track!
Plus, I got my 4.5st shiny, which has taken me 3 months to get to from 4st lost! Let's hope it doesn't take another three months to get to my next one!
Good luck to all those still to WI xxx