I havent even got one, I just have lumpy food and huge chunks of onion where its s'posed to be finely diced etc![]()
My first weigh in and 4lb loss, a fantastic start. I'm a very happy lady. Fingers crossed for another good week.
Well done everyone. Thanks for having me.
- 3 lb loss this morning.
Loving this thread, everyone is amazing.
Well, half a pound off for me this week (well, actually 1.5lb, as I had a small gain last week which I expected and didn't record, as I'd set a target for STS over 2 weeks when I knew I would be off-plan for at least half the time!) So, I've beaten my target of STS over the two weeks where I knew I would be facing lots of temptation - including 4 meals out, 2 takeaways and a birthday celebration with lots of cake and wine!
It just shows that if you make sensible choices where you can - and don't write a week off just because you have a few disastrous days - you can still lose!
I am really chuffed and now only 2.5lbs off my lightest weight in the last 8 years - I achieved 12st 2 with SW in 2003, only to give up and put it all back on again and more... Not this time!
Good luck to anyone still to WI xxxx
I am the queen of STS once again :|
Well done, Kwise, and thank you so much!!! Yesterday was really kind of emotional for me, and it was soooooooooooo good to post that!So an STS for me - well chuffed!
Not gonna be good today - a day off plan as there is a lot of food leftover from yesterday - which I never had!!
Good luck you-all
and Honey - I am shedding a tear for you too on your loss
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Well hello there.
No I haven't been abducted (although that sounds vaguely like an exercise machine so it may have been useful) - just been on holiday and working etc...and also if I'm honest not on plan ALTHOUGH not put on a drastic amount so v pleased about that. I just felt that, not having my head in the right place, I didn't want to come on here and moan about it. I have missed you all though..
HONEY!!!!! Well done! I could kiss you! When I logged back in - your progress was the very first thing I looked for! (Not in a weird "stalking" kind of way - but a "I hope she's done it!!" way...:bliss
I am soooo pleased for you. You continue to be a very real inspiration to me.
Back on track now and feeling fine. 1.5lbs off today. Thank you lunches of couscous over the week I couldn't have done it without you!
It's nice to be back.
Wow!! this place is so busy todayWell done for all your losses so far, commiserations to those that have gained
Looks like without meaning to iv become a Sunday weighter, 1lb loss for me this week.
Weighed myself early yesterday and it was a STS(((( majorly unhappy as i wanted 1.5 off to get my stone. Then I tootled off to my mums where home made apple pie was staring at me till I caved. Then it was crisp and a dime bar grrrrrrr... I started so well as well. Anyway home now and starving but not got much in so am cooking some savoury rice and some spinach and mushroom curry - i have no tins toms so I am doing it without which might be a bit weird.
Congrats to all the losers today and welcome to all the newcomers. This is a great weigh day - lots of lovely peeps to encourage you. xx
I have no chopper .... and that is all I am prepared to say on the subject. Apart from the fact that I want one...![]()
On the subject of choppers, I manned up yesterday and weighed myself. Oh good god, what have I done to myself ... wahhhhhh! It seems my wishful thinking that I wasn't putting on any weight was indeed wishful thinking. It would have been a miracle had it been true because although I haven't been eating much by way of cakes, sweets, crisps or treats of any variety I have just been eating whatever the family has and been eating way too many jam sandwiches for brekkie/lunch. My defence is that they are cheap and cheerful and all that the budget runs to, but for some inexplicable reason my scales aren't making allowances for this and refuse to deduct some pounds on the grounds of poverty. Curse them!!!
I have decided that I need to do something about this so I'm going to do my best to stick to plan starting this week. It's going to involve me cooking different dinners but at the end of the day I'm going to have to do it or risk getting depressed about my weight, I have enough other woes without starting to dislike myself.
This morning I have cooked a pot of veggie chilli using up a packet of quorn mince I had in the freezer. I've never used it before so I'm hoping I don't hate it. Having said that I can't do it too often as Quorn mince costs heaps here. I got into a bit of a mess as I used silly sausages suggestion of bagging it up in ziplock bags instead of wasting freezer space on containers. I don't think I have quite mastered the art yet but practice should make perfect. I hope!
That is 4 nights dinners made all bar the rice/veggies/potato. That I can vary according to what I'm doing the rest of the family. I saw red capsicum on sale this morning so I'm going to make some kidney bean risotto which will do me a couple of days. I'll wait and see how I get on with quorn mince before I batch cook some spag bol. Cooking this way and in the mornings might be the way for me to go.
Sorry for the self-centred ramble![]()
Oh and I am now 174 lbs, which going back to my original stats which I wiped means that I have only lost 16 lbs total, and I am 12 lbs heavier than I was at my lowest point and 6 lbs heavier than I was when I totally gave up on weighing etc.... I'm setting my stats back to my original start point at 190 lbs. Realisitically, I don't expect to do hugely well but I'm going to do the best as I can in the circumstances til life improves, I owe this much to myself.
Meh! Enough self-indulgence!! HUGE congrats to Honey!! You've done and are doing so so well!! 100lbs gone - you are a star!! I just need you to parcel me up some of your determination and I'll be following in your footsteps on a steady march downwards!
... and congrats to everyone else as there are some great losses this week!! Hello to all the new bods, good luck and stick with us because we are lovely!![]()
Finally, thanks for all the kind wishes and commiserations to do with my interview. I don't do rejection well but I've got to keep on keeping on and so am back to sending off applications today. I have quite a variety to send off over the next couple of days!
I'll shut up now! Oooh it's brekkie time - I've been so busy it's nearly 11 and I've not eaten and I've been up since 6!
Oh lustrous founder of this thread, it's like you're our leader
Thank you for being so lovely - and it's always better to weigh in and get the fear factor sorted, and then to get on with it. I know you've had a tough tough year, we're all here to encourage and support you!!!
This morning I have cooked a pot of veggie chilli using up a packet of quorn mince I had in the freezer. I've never used it before so I'm hoping I don't hate it.
I'll wait and see how I get on with quorn mince before I batch cook some spag bol. Cooking this way and in the mornings might be the way for me to go.
(How do you copy the quotes)
blubex said:I wasn't so keen on it in spag bol though as found it too spongy...I think I am a little odd.......
I wasn't so keen on it in spag bol though as found it too spongy...I think I am a little odd.......
Hey Moz - well done on weighing in and making a planI believe that in the southern hemisphere it is currently lettuce planting season...hurrah! You mentioned before you had a garden. I can't recommend planting lettuce seeds enough. They cost pennies and grow like weeds. I have lettuce coming out my ears here! Just snip off random leaves and they grow again....it is like having a magic porridge pot of superfree only feet away from the kitchen