Sunday Weighers I need your help!! About a year ago after the birth of my baby, I started my slimming world journey and became a successful Sunday weigher! I maintained my weight loss really well until I went back to work in March. Slowly the weight has started to creep back on as I juggle working full time, commuting 1 1/2 hrs each day, doing the school run, looking after two children and a house and studying for a masters degree. I now find myself 8lbs heavier and really really cross and disappointed in myself! I don't have time to plan meals properly, do regular shopping or exercise, or access my support network ie you guys!! I've decided to hang my head in shame and ask you to have me back, although I no longer recognise most of the names on here!! Ive tried to get back on the wagon the last few weeks without success so I think by having to admit my weight each week may keep me on track! So there we are...I've made the leap! Thanks for listening!!