Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

jodieduarte1 said:
I'm a fellow Sunday weigher (on the wii). I'm in a bit of a bet with my family at the minutes. They are carrying on eating very unhealthy meals while I am following Slimming World (at home not going to classes) so that I can show them that you can survive with a lot less food and start to loose weight!! We all get on the wii on a Sunday morning BEFORE BREAKFAST which is the very important bit. So fingers crossed for my first week weigh in this Sunday!! :) Keep you posted!!! Can't wait to update my ticker..unless it's in the plus area then I think I might cry!!

You should be able to show them that you can eat the same amount or more and lose weight! Good luck and I hope some of them decide to join you.
That's my plan! My dad is diabetic so really should do it with me, he just loves food too much and kind of thinks that he should be able to enjoy life and eat what he wants!! I was doing calorie counting before this and I was so hungry and moaney all the time!! Now It's easy to just follow the diet because I knwo that I can have a normal portion of chilli con carne with rice for dinner and even have a piece of chocolate afterwards and feel satisfied but still on plan...genius!!

Really hope the scales are on my side on Sunday so that it motivates me to carry on. !!
Get in you beauty!! Another three size 14 additions to my wardrobe - woop woop!
M Louise H said:
Get in you beauty!! Another three size 14 additions to my wardrobe - woop woop!

You are on a roll! Don't add too many more or it will be harder to give them up. Go for the ultimate capsule wardrobe. What sort of style? I am obsessed with waists and belts. It's so long since I had one!!
I'm going shopping on sunday, on a budget tho. I don't want to get too much as I intend on shifting another stone n half this year. Just watching hairy bikers diet on BBC I player....oh has decided no more rice or potatoes and more green veg lol
kimmie2709 said:
I'm going shopping on sunday, on a budget tho. I don't want to get too much as I intend on shifting another stone n half this year. Just watching hairy bikers diet on BBC I player....oh has decided no more rice or potatoes and more green veg lol

On the clothes shopping front I have found some amazing secondhand bargains. It helps me to justify spending money on clothes that I don't intend wearing for too long.

I have also just watched the Hairy bikers on Iplayer. - the use of leeks as pasta was inspired! This would let me eat lasagne on a red day which would be perfect. I don't eat cheese so mine would be even lower cal!
Strike while the iron is hot with OH. Get him used to the extra veg while he is willing. Mine is very supportive and eats what I do, he then eats his chocolate and cheese stash out of sight. Really sweet of him.
He has to eat wat I cook as he has no choice he HATES cooking lol he loves sw food, he's been eating it on n off for 5 years lol I do tend to put potatoes or rice as 1/3 of meal tho to bulk it out in a healthier way for him, but now he wants 2/3 superfree veg....all better for me! Plus he's agreed to eat frozen veg rather then fresh as I told him its cheaper n easier to stock lol for some1 who eats anything he's very fussy lol
I prefered the pub lasangne they did as the first 1 looked very sloppy n waterey. I'm defo going to try it....don't forget to syn the cornflour tho! It's just trying to eat it without the garlic bread lol
You are on a roll! Don't add too many more or it will be harder to give them up. Go for the ultimate capsule wardrobe. What sort of style? I am obsessed with waists and belts. It's so long since I had one!!

Two were an impulse buy - 2 pairs of linen trousers reduced to 6 euro each, had to be done!
hows every1 feeling about tomorrows weigh in?? im hoping not to ruin my sneeky weigh amounts this week by pigging out tonight so im bloated in the morning.if i get wat i weighed on the sneek ive only got 3lb to go untill im in the next numbers. i really need to start exercising tho...but as it was such a struggle to get my head back onto plan i dont want to push to hard yet and ruin it by over doing it. so today im going to.....when i eventually get off the a massive clean of the house and then start on the gardening again. lets hope the rain holds off!! good luck everyone....the day before is always the hardest i find!!!

for anyone that noses at the stats on the left ive updated mine just now as i think my previous september goal for my target weight was a bit hard after i had the struggle when i started my new job. i also noticed...if the others are up to date....theres a few of us around the same weight with around the same goal weights.....IN IT TO WIN IT i say!!!.....yeah yeah pure cheese lol (low fat weighed cheese aswell )
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I made a promise not to get on the scales during the week so find this whole waiting thing really hard. I need to lose 2 lbs to get below 12st which I desperately want to do.

It's so tempting to starve myself today (not going to) but this would make me a real slave to the scales and I would only put it back on next week!

Just come back from the flea market with a gorgeous denim jacket which fits across the shoulders but is a little tight around the middle. Me thinks another month and it will be perfect. Also picked up a BOSS shirt for OH so he is a happy bunny. Am thinking of organizing a clothes swap event for when I come back from UK. Might sound out a couple of people to see what they think.
Good Morning - early WI for me as my daughter doesn't seem to understand "Sunday morning lay in".

Anyway, it was worth getting up for, 2lbs off.

Good luck all x
morning all, this is my 2 year anniversary with sw and i've STS. need to knuckle down again. lol

good luck all!

happy 2 year anniversary Honey!
Morning all!!! I was going to write more this week, but time got away from me. Well done everyone, we are a small and select band of Sunday troopers, I'm so proud of us all - and congrats on being here for your two year anniversary Why_D, I am so inspired by your persistence and determination, because I know it's a tough journey for you. Well done!!!!!

Last week was my two year anniversary of weight loss, and I gained 5.5lbs. This week I am so so so proud of myself, because I lost 5.5 lbs. I worked so hard at it, really prioritised this goal, and stuck at it.

First of all, I tracked everything I ate this week, and was bang on the money - lots of healthy, light food, very cheap and healthy. I am full of energy, full of beans, despite having a bit of a cold.

Second, I went to the gym (Curves) five times this week. I like it, I love feeling stronger and better at it, it takes an hour there and back plus the routine, and I can already see dramatic differences to my body after just three weeks. I'm sticking at it.

Third, I walked. I walked a minimum of 10k steps every day, sometimes up to 14k. I feel that's a constant in my journey now, but I use my pedometer every single day.

The thing is, I love how I feel - it wasn't a punishing week, or a week of feeling deprived. It's the way I live now. I feel good about myself, and I feel that I can finally see my body change (I mean, I know it had!), but now when I see myself naked in the mirror I see an attractive woman. It's the oddest thing, but I love losing weight and toning up. After nearly ten stones, more than two years, I'm still at it.

I am giving it my absolute *everything* to be one of those rare numbers (less than 1% apparently) of people who lose huge amounts of weight and keep it off for life. I read about weight loss and exercise, but I feel that I know the answer there. What I read more about is motivation, success, tricks for will power. It turns out I'm doing a lot of it okay, but am open to tweaking.

I think accountability is key - being honest and saying last week that I had gained 5.5 lbs, rather than pretending I didn't or not logging in because I didn't want to post a gain. Observation from being here is that every single person who was on this thread two years ago apart from Why_D and myself have now gone, and I don't think that anyone got to their goal weight and stopped posting (although I really really hope that's the case!). So I figure that turning up week after week IS important, it matters more than I had realised. I guess that's why class is so important.

I'm in chatty mode, lol. I'll stop now, but I cannot tell you how good I feel about this loss this week - it's one of the best ever, because it shows me that hard work, focus and effort pays off, and it makes me feel good about my gain last week on my two year anniversary.

Good luck guys.
excellent post Honey!

looking at the dates it seems as though my 2 years was last week also... lucky i'm not married, hehe

but you're correct in what you say, you need to be accountable! these past months i've been more maintaining than losing, but I know why, i eat out too much but as long as i'm not gaining too much back i'm happy with where I am, and whilst some people may look at my stats and think otherwise, it works for me. lol
I have been avoiding coming on the forum this morning not because I gained weight but because I didn't lose as much as I wanted to. How stupid is that? 3/4lb off for me which takes me to 12st 3/4lb. It brings to mind a quote I read recently about weight loss

"It's not what you know or what you want, it's what you do that counts."

I made the mistake this week of confusing want with do - in other words real determined action. If Honey can lose 5.5lb after all this time, what is stopping me I ask myself? I have been on plan ( mainly) I have exercised ( moderately) I have eaten healthily (usually) I have been happy ( absolutely) Lesson for me here is not to expect a result without putting in the extra effort but also to be more accepting of my progress. I have lost over 3 stone since mid January, reached my 12 st target (almost) 6 weeks sooner than planned and I am incredibly happy with the new me. I have to decide whether I really want a speedier outcome and stop beating myself up!

Honey, like you, I will keep posting every Sunday and will hold myself to account. My tweaks for the coming week are going to be around portion control. I eat very healthily but I eat a lot of it! My "full" mechanism doesn't seem to work very well and I am sure that I could keep going until I burst.

If I don't post next Sunday it's not a cop out I promise - am travelling to UK and will not have internet access for over a week, however I will do everything I can to find an Internet cafe or wifi spot instead.

Have a good week everyone - and above all, enjoy your new lifestyle.
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Well I think it's at least 2 years since I posted (or there abouts) and I am still overweight!!! My hubby is currently bidding on a new SW booklet for me so I can get my head round extraeasy and finally get to grips with my weight, my life, my health....

So today I am weighing in at 14stone 4lbs

My goal is 10 stone

I am starting with a small goal of getting under 14stone and then I'll be taking it each 1/2 stone at a time!!

Wish me luck!!!

See you next Sunday when I WILL BE LIGHTER
Just to on the wii...bit of a late weigh in but a good one! 2lbs down on my first week...yay!M hope everyone else has good weigh ins today xxxx
3lb loss for me this week!! Makes me in the 11's bracket now! (just!) at 11stone 13.5lbs :)