Christmas? Arrange a night out with friends for the start of December, so that it's not as far a nice restaurant and have a real girls night out. For such an occasion you will obviously need a LBD and will have to look fab in it
I have Halloween at the minute as my goal to look nice in my costume but there are days when I still can't see any difference in my appearance, so frustrating!
Is anyone else worrying that they'll get to what they envision their final target to be and not be able to stop from switching the goal posts? Initially I wanted to be 10st but that was just what I thought I could get to and didn't seem like such a MASSIVE goal....then it was 9st 7, then I knew at 9st 7 that I wouldn't look how I wanted to at 9 so have moved it to 8st 7...I'm just worried that I'll eventually get there and still not see what I want to see? I feel like Carrie Bradshaw but in true Sex and the City style 'Will we ever truly be happy?'