Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

this week i have discovered the vending machine at work and that the hospital restaurant does cheap meals........its not been a good week!!! im hoping the walking has kept the weight down. completely off plan at the mo

Oh no Kim, I reckon we should maybe all set a little challenge in the morning for the week-everyone picks 1 thing to work on?
I ballsed up last night...munched lots of party food that I shouldn't and if the scales are anything to go by I shall be seeing a big fat gain in the morning ffs.

Edit: I'm having a small freakout about the fact it's going to be a gain (it's a definite...not a maybe) I don't want lose my 3.5stone shiny wahhhhh!
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I've been on and off the scales at least 8 times. I saw a brief 10. 13.8 but the majority of the time they said 11. 0.2

So a 0.8 lb loss this week, 0.2 to target arrrghh!
Gah!!!!!!!!!!!! Big gain this week of 4 lbs. Am sick to death of this plateau, although I suppose the good news is that I am keeping to a loss of around 140 lbs (ten stones). Still.

Okay, I know why, and big big push to lose 15 lbs by the new year. I can do this!!

And next week's aim is going to be to lose this gain of 4 lbs.

Good luck everyone :)
welcome back kwise! good to see ya!

another sts here. def gonna get back in the game!
Horrendous past three weeks with a gain of 3 lbs. sabotagesville here I come again. Whenever I get within sight of a target I veer off in the opposite direction. Need help again!
Anyone up for a weeks buddying up to nail a few pounds loss? Last time I did thus with Jenna, it worked a treat.
M Louise H said:
I've been on and off the scales at least 8 times. I saw a brief 10. 13.8 but the majority of the time they said 11. 0.2

So a 0.8 lb loss this week, 0.2 to target arrrghh!

So close! Hang in there
Horrendous past three weeks with a gain of 3 lbs. sabotagesville here I come again. Whenever I get within sight of a target I veer off in the opposite direction. Need help again!
Anyone up for a weeks buddying up to nail a few pounds loss? Last time I did thus with Jenna, it worked a treat.

Lets do it, Daisy!!! I've been faffing around for weeks so a buddy to be 100% with will suit me perfectly!

I'm in too - I want my Target shiny and to see 10 stone anything on the scales this week!
OK my weight loss buddies. I pledge to lose 2 lbs by next Sunday morning and log my food and exercise plan for each day on here. So my starter for ten:

B'fast: apple and fat free Greek yogurt
Lunch: herb omelette and tomatoes
Dinner: pork fillet baked with sliced apples, green beans, cauliflower mash, carrots and cabbage. Sugar free jelly yogurt and fruit salad
Snacks: options mint chocolate drink, two ryvita with low fat Philly and one spoon jam, apple, satsuma

Just got back from a two hour walk to the zoo and am off out again later this afternoon for a walk with a friend. Not sure if I am up to a kettlebell session. Struggling to walk after last session two days ago!

I feel more focused already!
OK my weight loss buddies. I pledge to lose 2 lbs by next Sunday morning and log my food and exercise plan for each day on here. So my starter for ten:

B'fast: apple and fat free Greek yogurt
Lunch: herb omelette and tomatoes
Dinner: pork fillet baked with sliced apples, green beans, cauliflower mash, carrots and cabbage. Sugar free jelly yogurt and fruit salad
Snacks: options mint chocolate drink, two ryvita with low fat Philly and one spoon jam, apple, satsuma

Just got back from a two hour walk to the zoo and am off out again later this afternoon for a walk with a friend. Not sure if I am up to a kettlebell session. Struggling to walk after last session two days ago!

I feel more focused already!

Ok, I want 1.5lbs to give me target and be 10 stone 13. Today's plan A (I say plan A as I have an egg custard in the oven!): -

Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal bread (HEB), bacon, egg, tomato ketcup (1 syn)
Snack: Banana, Grapes, 0% Fruit Yoghurt
Lunch/Dinner: Roast beef, SW roast potatoes (HEB), cauliflower, broccoli, yorkshire pudding (3 syns), gravy (3 syns)

Exercise: L1 D3 30 Day Shred
Okay, my turn!
I am planning on having 100% week this week, apart from Saturday when I can assume I will go over syns slightly as I will be at a friends for dinner. I may actually weigh in on Saturday simply so I can relax a bit at hers. It won't be a binge or a drinking fest which is good as it will mean I will be straight back on it on Sunday. I plan to stick to approx 5/6 syns a day until then.

Today's food diary-Green.

Shreddies and Skimmed milk (HEA and B1)

Vegetable soup with a cheese wholemeal toastie (HEA and B2)

2 Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages (4 syns), spaghetti hoops and mixed veg (cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and my fave...even though it's not SF-Sweetcorn)

2 chic digestives -8 syns
Having a slightly larger amount of syns today as its weigh in and if you can't treat yourself then, when can you?
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was sick this week and didnt go to group,
week before last +3.5lbs
last week -1lbs

this week :Nooooooo.jpg

bear in mind my scales are OLD and are a
little bit off, but they say ( for me , looking down ) 19.8! wtf seriously
:( gonna wait for group on weds because that is JUST PLAIN WRONG
Ok, I want 1.5lbs to give me target and be 10 stone 13. Today's plan A (I say plan A as I have an egg custard in the oven!): -

Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal bread (HEB), bacon, egg, tomato ketcup (1 syn)
Snack: Banana, Grapes, 0% Fruit Yoghurt
Lunch/Dinner: Roast beef, SW roast potatoes (HEB), cauliflower, broccoli, yorkshire pudding (3 syns), gravy (3 syns)

Exercise: L1 D3 30 Day Shred

Stuck to the above food and exercise but did have a small piece of egg custard - resisted the wine though!
Well done on resisting the wine, Louise. It's one of life's greatest temptations hehe. Have you worked out the syns of the egg custard? I don't even know what an egg custard is haha which I can only imagine is a good thing as it'd probably be something else that I'd want to eat!

I've stuck to my plan today :D And will be gym-ing it 3 times this week (at least), I would love to lose 2lb next week but half a pound is probably more like it at this stage!