Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Happy New Year to you too saucisse ridicule! I'm practising my francais! :p :D

Just been to the supermarket to get salady type stuff for dinner and the fruit and veg aisles were somewhat bare! It's going to be the scabbiest looking salad the world has ever seen, but at least it's on plan - woop woop! :D

Just realised I probably should divest myself of my santa hat and danglies (sounds rude!) - but I think I'll keep them til the 6th and take them off with the tree .... not that I am wearing the tree you understand ...
We do actually have a garden, it never occurred to me to grow stuff, well other than planty type stuff and care of that I leave to mother nature ... and my OH :D I'm going to contemplate growing lettuce and stuff. Actually we did have a couple of cherry tomato plants but some nasty little kids kept stealing them, so we sort of gave up!
Morning and a Happy New Year to all the lovely Sunday Weighers!

Sorry for the late report have also been down with the dreaded flu. I did finally manage to get weighed yesterday but didn't get chance to get on the computer been preparing for the awful return to work after such a restful time off.

Well wasn't the raring first week back that I had prepared for didn't get much exercise, skipped a few meals and didn't manage the 2 litres per day that I aimed for but overall had a decent week food wise.

Resulted in a loss of 1.5lbs this week which is in the right direction after the awful 4lb gain I had on boxing day weigh in and puts me back at my 3 stone sticker (need to update my ticker and get my sticker back though).

Well done to everyone else this week there have been some amazing losses for the Christmas period and glad everyone is still on board and reporting in.

Am definitely up for the 100% January challenge it is just what I need to get back to where I was (only 2.5lb to go) and to get to my next mini goal!!
Welcome back Moz and Sarah :D Hope everything goes ok with your MIL Moz.

But I do believe you have cyber infected me with your germs though :eek: As I developed a hacking cough last night during the warm up of Davina, resulting in me quitting the dvd :eek: and retiring to the chaise longe where I was tended to by my minions with peeled grapes and fanned with a rather large fern ...... :D

Then I woke up - crashed on the sofa surrounded by snotty tissues with a bottle of cough syrup beside me :rolleyes:

Still going to weigh in tonight though, and I hope to have shifted at least half of what I had gained of Christmas.
I have just had a text from my pal in England :( I haven't seen her for just over a year. Last time she was quite cruel about my weight. I don't think she even knows she is doing it!!

Anywho, she is coming up for a weekend mid-February :eek: I haven't told her I am on SW. How much could I lose in 6 weeks??

Good luck at WI tonight, Smartie :) x
I do :p I wear a couple of nictotene patches instead, one over each eye so I cant find my fags :cool:

And that joke is older than me :eek:
Yeah just a bit :eek: hahaha, they have reset the leaderboards which is why I am champion of so many games.

With regard to your friend, if she is like that she may not even mention your weight loss, I have 'friends' that havent even noticed mine and yes it does hurt, because some are so quick to comment :sigh:

Just get yourself glammed up, buy yourself a new outfit - something with a bit of structure to it or with ruching around the dreaded bits. She may not say anthing but you will know that you look good and that exuding confidence will make you look and feel so much better :)
I know what it's like when people don't comment - I thought I was going mad when I lost 3 1/2 stones and no one noticed; but then it turned out that people had noticed, just not saying anything. Made me think that I was imagining losing weight though!!
Cheers Smartiebob, I think she will say something nice if she notices, she is just so bloody patronising. "There there :patback: we love you even though you are a fatty." Biatch.

Congratulations on all your gaming achievments lol
Hi Honey. I remember years ago seeing my daughter's friend's mum and raving to her about her weight loss and wonderful new hairstyle etc. She took the compliments and was dead within the month. It was a wig and the weightloss was not deliberate :(

It has made me a bit wary of commenting on people's weight loss unless I know they are actively trying to lose weight. For that reason, I am not too bothered that nobody says anything to me. Niggles a bit though lol
I started Sunday past so that makes me a Sunday Weigh In! Am 100% every day too so far :)
Welcome to the Sunday weigh-in gang Missus :D They are all quite mad though :cool: except for me, I am only an honorary member - like their little pet mascot :D

Congratulations on your 100% - how have you been finding it so far?

I'm Lucy and my weigh day is a sunday as my partner weighs me for support (madness i know!!) so i was wondering...
Pretty please can i join? pweeeease.... Silly Sausage said you were all lovely ;)


We are all very nice, and some are a bit madder than others, but you we are a chatty bunch - our thread is invariably near the top no matter what the day of the week!

Back to work for me today, so back to the routine. Everyone has bought in their Xmas dregs so the kitchen is full of chocolates, cakes and mince pies! Just one (syned) Quality Street for me though.