Does any1 else have unknowingly unsupportive friend/family? By this I mean people who know u are trying to loose weight but make it hard for you to eat on plan? I know it's a lot about your own will power but it just seems that as soon as I make it known I'm eating healthy and losing weight they start with the suggestions of going out for meals, in places there won't be easy food choices, when before i made it known they didn't make any invites?
I sound like I'm blaming others for my choices but I'm not. Just really annoyed. If it was a drink problem it would be easier to understand....friends all of a sudden asking you out to pubs when you have admitted you are an alcoholic.
Then getting slightly aggressive when you refuse to go or point out you can't eat off the menu or wat they suggest to cook making out your spitefully awkward or rude.
I'm getting to the point now where I'm just going to have some time, couple of weeks say, just on my own.
Rant over lol ....any help would be gratefully received