I have a mood disorder so i struggle like mad at times especially with food. its been really hard so you need to remember wen you are doing well that yes you do have to work at it, its not easy and dont expect great results every time....its not your fault.
I put 2 stone back on over a year but I lost that again last year.....so you could say I've lost 10stone plus in total lol best thing is too never forget to follow plan....even if you have blown it get back on plan. I put on 11lb start of this year in a week but getting back on track got that plus more off. Biggest thing is not to punish yourself for making bad choices....you will just comfort eat....so make your next choice after that a good one. Make time for yourself wen you think you have let yourself down to make a plan of action, treat yourself with something other then food. I tend to have a pamper day at home, go for a walk then watch a DVD or read a book.just that small thing of looking after yourself gives you a boost to be more healthy to look good.
The hardest thing is coming to terms with the fact that you may have changed in weight/size but your issues with food are still going to be the same. Just cuz you have lost weight it dsnt mean eating something fattening has a different effect. Also people around you don't understand that yes you may look a 'normal size' or smaller then them but you can't eat anything you want anytime you want. I constantly find myself having to tell people how much I've lost just so they stop trying to make me eat cake lol