Morning all
Sorry I've been AWOL again. I have been keeping up to date with all your goings on and man have you lot been going on ....
I haven't been posting mainly because things are a bit grim here and I don't like to acknowledge it in writing but I've noticed a few people wondering where I've got to so I thought I would poke my head above the parapet! yooo hooo, tis me!
I've not been able to follow any diet plan because of finances, things have pretty much reached rock bottom. I haven't put on any weight though, I may not be eating the right food, but I've not been eating much so any wrong food does little damage. Long term it's not good but as the saying goes, needs must when the devil drives!
My OH, who some of you may remember is epileptic, had a number of seizures during the night on Monday night and so we had the paramedics out and a trip to the hospital at 3 in the morning. I spent all last night awake thinking it was going to happen again every time he moved or made a noise! I'm totally paranoid but that will wear off I hope in a day or two.
Job hunting is still proving a fruitless task. Jobs that my qualifications/experience match to don't seem to be interested because I haven't worked for 10 years which is fair enough, and jobs that are at a lower level aren't interested because I'm over-qualified and apparently won't stay. The job market up here is terrible anyway, amongst the highest unemployment in the whole of Australia so there are other factors at play too. All I can do is keep plugging away at the applications and hope I strike it lucky soon!
It's my birthday tomorrow so I'm hoping that maybe tomorrow will be the day I get good news! :fingerscrossed:
Anyway, that is enough about my woes! Really pleased to see you lot all sticking at it and making some good progress through all the ups and downs that life throws our way.
Sum, glad to read that you had a most excellent birthday, you deserve it, you are lovely! Smartie, you have proved that love is heavy man, it weighs you down!

Seriously though, it's really cheering me up reading about you and your new man, although I'm an avid reader, I've never been into romantic novels, but I do like a true love story!
Why_d, if everyone else here starts getting all female and star week at you .... you could always get your own back and discuss men's issues

I dread to think though .....
Anyway, I will keep posting because I do keep reading and that might spare you getting epic posts when I surface periodically ( no why_d, I'm not doing female references

) .... ewwww, I've just offended myself
All is not doom and gloom here, LittleOzMoz is still my ray of sunshine and even when all else appears to be bleak, she always gives me something to laugh about!