This is probably going to be rambling nonsense....
Aaaaargh!!!!!!!! I'm having such a bad day

, I'm feeling well and truely fed up with CD but like I've said in the past I can't lose weight on any other diet because I tend to cheat on them because I think I can get away with little extra bits here and there.
I'm feeling pretty fed up again:cry: and I don't want to be, I know this week is all my own fault, which in a way is good because at least I know why I'm stuck. Last week's STS really threw me and I rebelled so serves me right and whatever happens tomorrow at WI I'll take on the chin. A week seems like such a long time, I want to make it through 1 week of SS I don't know how to keep my momentum going, I'm fine when I'm off work, so at least the week before my birthday I might get a bit shifted, because I'm off work for a week!!
Anyway on a more positive note, people have actually started to notice my weightloss again:character00238:, I've had a few nice nice comments from work colleagues. You'd think that would keep me motivated wouldn't you - apparently not though.
At the moment I'm watching Supersize Vs Superskinny which makes me feel a whole load better about my own body, but part of me feels a little bit cross, the big person on it eats tons more than I ever did even at my biggest, and she's only 1st heavier than I used to be.
Now I'm not going to deny that I ate lots, I'm sure I did, but my downfall was convenience food and I'm not that great at judging portion sizes. I feel a little bit hard done to because I never ate the vast amounts that these people have eaten and yet I was up there with them, in that obese category. But if I ate what this girl eats I'd weight 25st + quite easily.
I hope that when people read this they don't take offence to it, I don't want people to feel uneasy about themselves. I don't judge anyone, because I've been there and I know how easy it is for things to get to that point. I could easily get back there again if I'm not careful. I guess I'm just feeling a little bit down with myself :cry:and my weightloss progress lately and I feel like it's all unfair. I have no medical conditions, my thyroid is normal, I don't have PCOS or any other hormonal problems, I have no reason for getting fat - I'm just greedy and I don't seem to have a metabolism, I think they forgot to give me one

I'm really sorry if this has offended anyone, it's really not my intention, I'm just trying to clear my head.

Oh and if anyone saw last nights Glee, I feel exactly like Mercedes did, seeing human sized food....