Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

hahaha and me when i first did SS last year i had hot sweats, headache, feeling sick, moody,.

But now easy as anything none of them at all, it's just being 100% on the plan.

Yep im thinking ss the 2 lbs will be history, loool ok will start tomorrow morning now.!

Watch out you will have shanny on your diary every hour telling you about the voices in me head.

Surfhunny dont give up chick your big hoilday very soon huh??

moving forward is sooo true

Big hugssss x
Yay for pj days! After my night out last night I thought Id be up late, but was awake at 8am! On a sunday...whats that all about..haha!

Didnt actually do anything though, laid on the sofa in my pajamas watching Will & Grace re-runs.

Brave you for going back to SS, I hope it gives you your 2lbs. You'll def deserve it!
Your both lucky, no headaches etc. I'm back on Day 1 today and feeling crap already. Still I'm lucky I usually get ketosis by the end of day 2.
Yeah I usually hit ketosis end of day 2 start of day 3. I'll check in the morning, but not sure I'll do it that quick this time, only stopped the Cystopurin yesterday, I'm sure it has citric acid in it, so maybe end of tomorrow.

Shanny, come by anytime the voices are getting to ya lol. I always comeon here when I need distracting. I'm going to go and have a nice long bath just now and pamper myself.
It's mug shot time!! I decided to take some up to date mug shots to see if there's been any visible progress on the weightloss front, and I think there actually has been, yay! Anyway, see for yourselves, I might just be being biased lol. But I do seem to be taking up less of the doorway than before.

Pic1: Jan 2010
Pic2: May 2010 1st 2lbs lighter


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You can definitely see the difference! Well done! Comparative pics are a little daunting but so important in keeping us focussed as well as making us realise how well we have done as the mind takes a good while to catch up with the body!!!
You look fab xx
OMG you look like a total different person totallyyyyyy.!
from your hips, waist, thighs, legs have all shrunk.

Of course you really do look fab.! not kidding ok the next pic must be without your jacket on.!!

Need to show off your top half too,(shanny being bossy sorry lol) x
They are great you can really see the difference, I've started taking photos the 1st of every months to see the change. x x
You can definitely see the difference! Well done! Comparative pics are a little daunting but so important in keeping us focussed as well as making us realise how well we have done as the mind takes a good while to catch up with the body!!!
You look fab xx

Thanks Debbie, that's kinda why I did it. I've been getting a bit fed up lately with the small losses so I wanted to prove to myself I am losing!

Need to show off your top half too,(shanny being bossy sorry lol) x

Hmm I'll give it another st before I get my arms out in public, I've got really broad shoulders from swimming and at the moment I just look totally top heavy, it does even out but it hasn't yet :-(

They are great you can really see the difference, I've started taking photos the 1st of every months to see the change. x x

It's definitely worth doing, I got such a surprise. x
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You can def see a difference. You look great! You should do a pic in the same clothes you were in, in the first one. I've got broad shoulders too :( Once upon a time I got down to 10 stone and I had no boobs, no bum, no hips, just massive shoulders! lol

How is the garden going? I haven't ventured out into mine yet. It's sunny, but very windy. Brrr
She did when I started 2nd time round, would be interesting to find out, will have to try and remember to ask her on Wed. Interestingly enough I measured myself a month or so ago and just nipped up to do it again, and nothing, no difference...but I feel thinner so.... can't explain that one.

I've actually given up trying to work things out on this diet, I'm just cracking on with it, so long as my clothes size is getting smaller I don't care.
Kez, it's sunny but freezing here, so not been out in the garden, I went to B&Q earlier, and only bought some out door lantern things for the garden. But while I was there I decided it would be a good idea to stain the 2 side tables in the living room so I bought the stuff for doing that - why can't I leave things be??? I blame the diet lol.

I've always had big boobs and I guess I'm lucky they seem to stay put. My friend lost loads of weight and hers disappeared completely. I'm always going to have hips and boobs and I'm happy with that! But I hate my shoulders, I wish they'd shrink down a bit more now, they don't look too bad when I'm nearer my target weight though.
They'll come in handy when you've got to target and start surfing again! Where did you grow up? Couldn't work out from the piccies, but am guessing it wasn't over here?
Ha ha no, it was South Africa. I miss the weather more than anything, and the outdoorsy lifestyle. I hate the unpredictability of UK summers. Hopefully this one will be a good one!
Oooh! I grew up in South Africa. I was very young though, came back to the UK when I was 5. We lived in a place called Transvaal.
I just googled it, I grew up in Vanderbijlpark, just south of Johannesburg. Were you east of that, on the coast?
We used to live in the Transvaal for a bit, in Witbank, and then moved to the east coast near Durban. I loved it there, but I think all the political unrest has ruined it a bit. I'd still go back I think, not to live but def for a holiday.
This is probably going to be rambling nonsense....

Aaaaargh!!!!!!!! I'm having such a bad day:mad:, I'm feeling well and truely fed up with CD but like I've said in the past I can't lose weight on any other diet because I tend to cheat on them because I think I can get away with little extra bits here and there.

I'm feeling pretty fed up again:cry: and I don't want to be, I know this week is all my own fault, which in a way is good because at least I know why I'm stuck. Last week's STS really threw me and I rebelled so serves me right and whatever happens tomorrow at WI I'll take on the chin. A week seems like such a long time, I want to make it through 1 week of SS I don't know how to keep my momentum going, I'm fine when I'm off work, so at least the week before my birthday I might get a bit shifted, because I'm off work for a week!!:D

Anyway on a more positive note, people have actually started to notice my weightloss again:character00238:, I've had a few nice nice comments from work colleagues. You'd think that would keep me motivated wouldn't you - apparently not though. :(

At the moment I'm watching Supersize Vs Superskinny which makes me feel a whole load better about my own body, but part of me feels a little bit cross, the big person on it eats tons more than I ever did even at my biggest, and she's only 1st heavier than I used to be.

Now I'm not going to deny that I ate lots, I'm sure I did, but my downfall was convenience food and I'm not that great at judging portion sizes. I feel a little bit hard done to because I never ate the vast amounts that these people have eaten and yet I was up there with them, in that obese category. But if I ate what this girl eats I'd weight 25st + quite easily.

I hope that when people read this they don't take offence to it, I don't want people to feel uneasy about themselves. I don't judge anyone, because I've been there and I know how easy it is for things to get to that point. I could easily get back there again if I'm not careful. I guess I'm just feeling a little bit down with myself :cry:and my weightloss progress lately and I feel like it's all unfair. I have no medical conditions, my thyroid is normal, I don't have PCOS or any other hormonal problems, I have no reason for getting fat - I'm just greedy and I don't seem to have a metabolism, I think they forgot to give me one :eek:.

I'm really sorry if this has offended anyone, it's really not my intention, I'm just trying to clear my head.:( Oh and if anyone saw last nights Glee, I feel exactly like Mercedes did, seeing human sized food....