Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

yeah, get another pussy, then we can have fun reading the story! :)
Morning Susie, I didn't think cats needed company to be honest
Morning Susie... Hope you have a great day :)
Morning all

Just heard I didn't get the job, am disappointed but they told me who did and it is someone quite famous in the operatic world, who has taken a massive paycut to join them - so, not surprised, and the ego feels slightly better! :D
Oh Susie! That's rubbish news! Although slightly more cheering to know who they did give it to! I'm really sorry ... What's next? Are you ok staying where you are? :)
Thx Di, I am actually OK about it, just want to get some certainty about work (either where I am now or somewhere else) sorted out so I can plan the future a bit more.

Would really love a bigger flat in Greenwich but just checked out rents and phew!!!

So, not sure what to do right now.
aw hunni. Sorry to hear. How much are the bigger flats if u dont mind me asking. I want a bigger flat in Glasgow with a balcony - or a house. Dunno. havent mentioned it or my OH will have a fit! lol! :p
Hope you're sitting down Claire - a ONE bed flat, not in the nice bit of Greenwich, with a bit of scrappy garden - £1100 pcm. Two beds start about £1300...

I pay £675 - so will stay where I am :)
Ridiculous prices!!!
Tell me about it, that's why the coast is so attractive, rents are soooo much cheaper for a lot more. It comes back to whether I can handle the commute.

The trouble for me with work - and why I am dithering so much - is because I suspect that they will keep me on without contract, possibly for months (or even, dare I say it, years). Good - no, great - to be earning money. But bad not to have any certainty and so on :(

Example - we got an email today saying the Christmas break is from 24 December to 2 Jan and that staff don't have to take any of their annual holidays during that time. Well, good for them, but I lose a week's pay!

I think it's time for a pros and cons list -

Work pros -
- interesting work
- 15 minutes from home
- good money - and don't want to work out (and start using up my savings) in case I don't get work for a while

Work cons -
- lack of structure, often huge frustration and overwork
- no stability without contract or permanent role
- not able to plan holidays

Home pros -
- good little flat, and cheap for London
- close to work, the station, shops, etc (and an after hours wine shop for those desperate moments :D)
- good space for Orby (nobody mention the mice)

Home cons -
- tiny kitchen (Lisa can testify to this) and small - can't have people round to stay or for dinner
- no room for a dishwasher wahhhhhh :(
- on a noisy street
- lots of noise at night from upstairs

Right, intrepid Atkinsers and friends - you analyse and tell me what to do :D Of course, the rider is that I am hugely impulsive and will probably completely ignore you :)

Or maybe (even more impulsively) buy a little cottage in Italy.....
Hi Sweetie:)
Shame about the job but you sound pretty chilled about it.
Nice list of pros and cons - i guess my question is what do you HAVE to do now? If you recognise that you dont like the stress of not having a contract but dont want to jack it in without another - why cant you just keep your eyes open for new opps while making the most of current situation? Perhaps that will fit your impulsive lifestyle:D
Am in no state to be handing out advice to anyone at this point in my life so will just point at Katie's posting and say - wise words ;)
Don't leave the job until you have another more secure one lined up... Times are going to be harder over the next 6 months - maybe another year ...

If you want to live somewhere else start looking for work in that area now and line it up first then move...

Buy the cottage and I'll come and join you! Lol x :) ... However ... Mice will be banned!!! Lol :)
How much?!?! OMG! I stay a 20min walk from Glasgow city centre in a new build 2 bed flat for £500 a month. City centre here is probably about £600 up for a 2 bed flat. Thats crazy money down there!

I have no words of advice - just gotta do what feels right for you hunni.

However, it does beg the question, how much money do I get for being a stay at home mum?! pmsl!!!
Morning Susie... Hope you had a good night with no furry friends courtesy of Orbit :)
Morning Susie love, I'd go with Katie's advice, you know it's sound.
Good morning

Thanks for all the considered advice, I think you're right, staying put is the only viable option right now. If I am a good girl and save like mad, I should be able to buy a flat outright down the coast in about 18 months, then save like mad for the next one - and that's my pension plan sorted.

But who knows what's round the corner? :D