Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Afternoon Susie, such good news, what I would not give to be debt free - can't see it ever happening though. Good for you xx
Thanks hun - keep in mind though that I have no house either, so could all change soon!

It's the usual dilemma -

1. I can keep renting but the flat I'm in is too small for long term - but to rent anywhere bigger costs gazillions in London - so, not an option

2. Buy - again its all way out of my price range except for a few areas in SE London which don't have a good reputation - but if I want to buy a home, I may have no choice.

So, stay put in too small rented flat OR buy in grotty area....
hold tight perhaps.
my mother-in-law(god rest her soul)had a saying....
if it's for ya,it won't go by ya.
and she was a lovely woman.
Morning Susie... Living in a state of flux can be really stressful ... You cope with it do well but just take care... :) xx
Morning all

The birds are singing, the sky is blue and the work day didn't start with a drama (yet) yaye! :D

Am hoping to win a vibroplate on eBay (£18 plus delivery :)) this week, and just starting to fill the diary up with Christmas parties.
Morning Susie:D
Both vibro and xmas parties sound great:)
LOL thanks Katie - sadly I spoke too soon, had a huge blow out with one woman in the office who really gets under my I just feel sick....blah!
Thanks hun - at least I can go to the other office, which I prefer anyway.

the acting manager called us into a meeting room and tried to mediate, but she started getting quite personal - it's all my fault, apparently, she basically said that I am a deeply flawed person who upsets everyone.

The opposite is true, of course, but I must really learn not to react or open my mouth when she tries to provoke me.

Ho hum. Have decided on retail therapy at Waitrose after work :D
LOL thanks Alpy, the thought of hitmen did float past my consciousness earlier, but I think you need to save your voice so it gets better quickly :D

I just have to ignore her...

Home now, did retail therapy at M&S and got some very interesting and rather more-ish irish cream with gingerbread flavouring.

Am still so wound up - and really resent that I am so wound up - so I may have to take it bed with me and apply internally at regular intervals :D

But did finally get around to sorting some little things out, like going on to a much cheaper mobile tariff, ditto leccy/gas - and will save £600 a year yaye!

Have a good evening, all xxx
Ah yes, I nearly exploded at a couple of people in my office over the last couple of weeks.

One who thinks she's my boss, or my mother - not sure. And one who is a poisoned dwarf. Has small person syndrome, loud, obnoxious, bad mannered, attitude problem, self opinionated and cackles like a witch.

Irritates the **** out of me! Sadly its a teeny tiny office I work in - 5 of us in the one room, and two of which I could tell to fuk right off. Sadly one of the girls sisters works there and the poisoned dwarf is the bosses niece.

Does that make u feel any better?!

*hugs* xxx
Evening Susie... Although I am deeply sympathetic to the vile day - I'm afraid you do make me chuckle... I love your turn of phrase - have you ever thought of going into PR? Lol ;-)
Thank you lovely ladies, where else could I rant and be understood? Apart from my other friends lol.

And Claire all I can say is FIND ANOTHER JOB - they sound like witches.
Its a hard job market to be looking in at the moment. I can paid ok for being here and its permanent.

I keep looking about but theres nothing really startling available, and if I had to take a pay cut I'd just cry! lol!
Birthday, you say! Oooh! You must not be on my fb because it didnt tell me!

Happy burfty to whoever it is!!! :D

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Aw, now im so confused! lol!