Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Food porn alert (again)

Sorry but I just made some bread, and am now waiting for it to rise so I can have toast in the morning. I love not adding stuff to the mix - no salt, no sugar, no yucky preservatives - and it tastes so much better than the commercial stuff :). Feeling slightly more confident with yeast and kneading now, shame it's all so carby :( I can do without most other carbs without a second thought, but bread is most definitely my Achilles heel!

Also about to make up some greek and honey yoghurt for the morrow, to have with some nuts, to build up my strength for the blitz of washing and dishes that I need to do tomorrow. Also going to do a bit of cooking - a pumpkin curry, hummus, cheese and herb rissoles and/or a meat loaf. Oooh might try Lisa's courgette loaf too. I'm also almost seriously thinking about buying a sausage maker....

Maybe I should give up this working lark, go on benefits and move to a cottage in Devon - and just cook and make skincare LOL (yeah, like a million others).
Food sounds Devine Susie! Yum!! Xxx
Have you tried flax bread with yeast, Susie? Katie has a recipe for it posted which I'm eventually going to be brave enough to try (I'm scared it might stall).

I should think it would be more bread like than a Mim though and if bread is your undoing it might just help?

Alternately the LCM do sliced bread. I used to have it and it tasted fine - tiny slices though, but you could have two slices for approx 3G carbs and while I am sure the pittas and wraps stalled me, I don't think the bread did.

Worth looking into - but see how you go first. I've always used mims and things but this time round I just haven't felt that I needed them so am holding out until I really do. I will say there's far less hunger/cravings (for me) when totally clean and green.
Food sounds incredible, making me hungry
Morning Soooooooooz xxx
Morning Di and everyone else

Been up for hours, woke up about 2, dozed until about 6, when I woke up with my heart pounding after a horrible dream with Mum in it :( Awful, the yucky feeling stayed with me for ages. Also was being chased by the Mafia - which of course will teach me to read an Italian detective novel before bed :D

Orbs was very cute though - I sleep on my side with my arm stretched out and when I woke she was curled into me, her paw stretched out too, awwww :)

Anyway, on with the chores - load 2 of 3 of the washing is done, and I'm gritting my teeth to do the dishes. God I hate doing dishes. I'm old, I deserve a dishwasher! :)

And WTF is going on with the weather?!!!! Bright sunshine to freezing in an hour....

Later - dishes done, laundry done, lunch and dinner made - and now, relax :)
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I hate those dreams!!! They really affect you don't they......

So cute waking up to Orbs like that though!

Nice n sunny here today, I hope it lasts.....

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Yeah Jo, I'm still trying to shake off this ick feeling in my stomach...not an anniversary or anything, think it was because I'm just still feeling off kilter about work.

I know going to four days a week isn't the end of the world but it has served to remind me how precarious contract work can be sometimes - and when I was out of work for months in 2010, it was the lowest time of my life (after Mum). I really felt things were finally settling down for me and I could actually plan for the future...I don't know, maybe I do need to think about moving out of London...
Oh Susie, sorry about the horrible dream, they do hang over you for the longest time don't they? It probably is the uncertainty about work that is causing it, wish there was something I could do to help xxx

Food sounds amazing though!!!! xxx
Hey chook... You need a hug and some tlc... Rotten time for you - no wonder you've got those nasty dreams ... Everyone needs a safe place and you don't have one right now! It's horrid on work AND home front... I think you need to be really kind to yourself as I don't think you realise what an impact all this is having!! Xx
Oh thx you're both eloquent and super friends xxx

I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself, it'll pass.

Does beng really kind to myself mean eating some ice cream? I'm thinking no - and don't have any anyway...but it's the thought that counts :)
Well Soooooz ... I would be scoffing ice cream. ... Hagen Daaz Dulche Lech (sp?) God that was my fave and totally orgasmic!!

I'd also be comatose on wine and eating a Chinese a night (lol ... That was me a year ago!! Scary)

A bit of wallowing is therapeutic Susie... And then it's draw the line time, formulate the plan and we'll help you tick things off your list! That's what we're all here to do!! Xxx
LOL got nothing bad to wallow with hun, maybe I'll break out in a rash of excitement and have some chilli mince and cabbage :)
Not quite as yum as ice cream but you can wear a halo whilst eating it! Lol xx
Evening Susie, glad you have had a catch up weekend even though sleep and plans are so tricky. Love ya and know it will sort out - have to believe a regular three day weekend is a GOOD thing:D
Thx Katie, I'm sure it will all work the meantime am chomping on a big plate of sauteed cabbage and sossies.

But oh no poor Orbit has been scratched on the nose by a horrible cat that keeps coming in the window, there's a big blob of blood on her schozz :( Poor love, wonder if you can get cosmetic surgery for cats?

I really don't know what to do about this cat - I have to leave the window open for Orbs to get in and out, but the other one follows her in and then has a right go at her.

Any ideas?
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If you catch it a few times with a water pistol it might get the message?
I've tried chucking water at it but it gets out of reach too quickly - will look out for a water pistol tomorrow (actually that sounds like fun hehe)