Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Look out for the big screens showing the action, look for one that says ADI with a small wiry chap standing at the side of it dressed in black...........could well be my baby bro!!
Oh wow Bren! How fab! X
He says he is based in Greenwich Naval College.............his name is Paul and he is the one without the beard lol
Morning gorgeous! Hope you get through the day ok xxx
I can just see you throwing your arms around every wiry chap you see before asking if they're Bren's brother lol.

I do that every chance I get, anyway :D

Morning all, got a great night's sleep at last, happy days :) and woke up feeling really excited about Monday :D Can't wait - but still got lots to do, so better crack on. Will catch up later xxxxx
Morning Susie, That's great well done on the sts, you must have lots of little SIRTs running around your body.

Have a good day. It's FRIDAY!!!! :)
Morning Susie!!! x

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Afternoon Susie, he said to ask around for the Paul the screen technician if you can't spot him - but you could have a look at my family on FB cos he is on there too ;) xx
Evening lovelies

I can't quite believe it but I have not too much to do now before my 3am rise on Monday morning (O.M.G!). Everyone at work has been amazing and has pitched in to help, so we're looking good. Even the weather is promising to be rain free (shhh in case the F*ck Up Your Day gods hear :)). Just got to type up labels for about 20 people, sort out the media accreditation and pick up some walkie talkies on Sunday...

I've even managed to do a bit of net shopping and got myself a long promised HD camcorder - a high level one so expensive but I didn't buy anything for my birthday, so why not? Also got to pay for my September holiday tomorrow, so the bank will be a bit depleted for a while - might have to wait for my next biggie, an iPad 2 64gb.

Am now sitting avec un vin rouge - I know, I know, I was giving it up for Lent - the body is willing but the mind is weak :eek:. Will catch up on all your news this evening.

Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening Susie... Hope you sleep well and get loads of rest over the weekend xxx
Morning gorgeous Torchy! (wasn't there a cartoon decades ago called Torchy?? lol) xx
Morning all

Had a nice sleep in - Orby is still zzzzzing away - but the weather is nice, so got all the windows open, for the first time in weeks :)

LOL@Di - don't know about the cartoon - but I will be very glad not to utter the words "Olympic torch relay event" after Monday!
That looks amazing Susie!! Wow ... Perfect break! Love Italy although I don't know it very much! Well done for getting it booked xxx