when i was using the vick nasal spray and gave myself the rebound congestion, the ad always says lasts 8 hours, but they never did, the trouble with using it was that the actual time it kept me clear and open for got shorter and shorter and shorter until in the end it stopped actually working at all.
when i stopped using it i had a few days of completely shut up tight nose.. nothing got in or out and it was awful to go through, but the gp assured me that if i just waited it out a few days it would return to normal. she was right, it was absolutely terrible for those days and nights but thank goodness it cleared and since then i have never used them once.
nasonex i get on prescription, it doesn't work like vick its a soothing spray more, stops me from having the raging sneezes, when i have cuddled the cat too much or been around a dog or dust etc..
hope u have a good zzz tonight x