I did an online survey first, Moonie, then went to discuss the findings with my GP.
He suggests cutting back for a bit to see how I get on. The way wheat affects me is annoying but not massively life worsening - disrupted sleep, eczema, the occasional boil (bleurgh - he links them directly to carbs, which I'd not done), very painful gas and rock hard swollen tum - the usual sort of thing.
The trouble for me is that gluten free doesn't always mean low carb - so I would appreciate any help or advice you've all got!
I told the GP my huge downfall was bread, so he thinks I should make lowish carb bread, which won't be induction level but should help to get me through my bread-related crises.
The other things you mention, like oxo cubes and ketchup -) tbh I don't have much of that in the house anyway. I've just given away some bran flakes, oats, rice and dried pasta (can't bear throwing away food) and the cupboards aren't looking too bad. I also had almond flour and Flex Flax leftover and have bought chickpea and coconut flour, had plenty of coconut oil and EVOO, had moved to almond and soya milk - so really, I'm more or less there. Will go back to the Alpro soya yogurt until I can try making my own, and then it's back to having a freezer full of protein