Morning ladies
News - I'm no longer a vapour virgin!

Used it last night and it's actually great! It felt really wicked sitting inside and puffing out vapour, it tastes like a ciggy, gives you the throat hit (the smokers will get that), but it doesn't smell like one - and it was so fab not to go outside in the rain!
I think a phased replacement programme will be the go. Will start Allen Carr this week, and I've stopped the morning ciggy already (can have a vapour instead), so I'm on my way
Not sure if I will show a loss tomorrow though, I've had a load of cheese, etc this week, plus more of the naughty vino. Actually not bothered too much though, as long as I'm eating well. Exercise will start next week too, so that might help push things along.
B - slice of pizza

L - hamburgers in lettuce wraps and wilted spinach
D - dunno, see how I feel
Re the pizza recipe, I went for the simplest I could find
Original Cauliflower Pizza Crust | Your Lighter Side
I doubled this recipe, and also replaced cheddar for the mozzarella.