Hi Sandra and Katie, good to see you, ladies
I've actually been a little (as in, a tiny little) bit restrained over the break - no Christmas pud, didn't go mad on cheese - but managed to eat a few supermarket pizzas and guzzle loads of peanuts, etc, along the way...
I surprised myself this morning by doing a WI and while it's not good, it's not as bad as I thought, still not close to my heaviest ever weight. Will update the stats next week - or maybe never... (such a cowardly custard).
I have put myself on a serious economy drive, though, so it's all about reducing my food spend, using up all the tins and frozen stuff I've hoarded, and living off soups and stews, much of which will be carb heavy (pasta, pulses, etc), so I won't post menus here. As a result, I'm sort of doing a veggie/el cheapo SW/low fat/calorie counting type of approach. In other words, the "No Idea Diet"
I'd like to wish everyone a successful 2014 - in your WOE (whatever it might be) and in life - may the sun shine on us all

I just saw the best name for a diary thread on the SW section - "From here to inskinnity!" - love it