Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

you want me to come cook for you?
what on earth is next doors cat doing under your bed? could you not wait for your own so you have stolen theirs?

LOL thx hun - and yes please! I like people to wait on me hand and foot :D

I'll be OK, have water, nurofen and Mattesons at hand - I just hate being immobilised. I do feel very silly - left the back door open and the cat must have crept in and hid under the bed then. It's a very timid thing and shot out when it heard me coming. Once down, I couldn't get up and had to wriggle on my bum through to the lounge and haul myself up onto the couch - one way to clean the floor, I guess :eek:!
Oh babe can you get some ice on it? you want me to get cheryl round?
I'll be OK, just need to rest it.

I tell you what though, I could really do with some good news - my tenant has just emailed to say she's moving out - so it's back to Notting Hill for me, because I can't afford to have it untenanted until it sells....
Gosh - it really is all happening at once for you - poor ankle!!! Hope you get mobile soon, sounds like you need to be! Good news on the coat buttons though :D Will you still be able to have the puddeys at Notting Hill (such a glamourous location - or is that just the film?)
Jeez Susie, though PMSL at the picture of you going flying over the cat.
oh No sus! bloomin is all go for you isnt it??? you need to sell that fast and get a job fast!
Will you still be able to have the puddeys at Notting Hill (such a glamourous location - or is that just the film?)

Prob not Bren :( There's no outside space for them.

Notting Hill isn't as glam as the film, although I was always seeing actors and other famous people around the place - Richard Curtis, Alan Davies and so on.
Oh Susie. thats pants!!!!! how much notice has she given you?
You should be able to let it fairly easy I'd have thought Susie. desirable location etc....
Yes Jim, you're right - but it means I'll have to hold off selling it. Still, be interesting to see what the valuation throws up.
how long you reckon it will take to sell?
Hey Lady Susie sorry to hear everything's a bit pete tong(though I had to suppress a laugh sorry and I didn't suppress it very well!). Am sure it'll all work out as my mother always says "what's for you won't go by you" especially not cake I've found!!
Hope you're ok. Maybe good time to employ a buff butler! :D
Oh poor poor Susie! I hope your ankle gets better really quickly. Do you rent one flat and let another or something? London people are strange sorts. Round here we only live in one flat at a time. :p

And doubly sad about the cats if that means they're off the cards again. Poor Susie. :(
Oh that is rubbish Susie - we were all looking forward to the puddeys arriving :( - were they not supposed to be indoor cats though?
They are indoor cats, Bren - but as everything is up in the air at the moment, I think I need to hold off for a bit.

Thx Water - I was feeling a bit sorry for myself earlier and wondering when something was going to go right for me :( But heigh ho, it's not the end of the world - the ankle will mend, I'll rent the flat out until it's sold and I'll get a fab job :) (I rent it out because it's tiny and has no garden - but yes, London people are strange! lol).
