(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
I know! I think I love it coz I'm so nosy!
Don't wanna miss out on anything! X
I know! I think I love it coz I'm so nosy!
im on whilst not at work but can never catch up on serenas haha x
im on whilst not at work but can never catch up on serenas haha x
It's where the cool kids hang out ;-) x
Hahahahahaha clearly!!! It's like Trafalgar Square! So busy!!!
But without the pigeons ;-) x
Hahaha yep!!!
We are hanging out here tonight, this must be Covent Garden ;-) x
without the strawberries and cream and china tea xx
my mam wanted to call me primrose lol xx
haha when i was younger i used to think what on earth but i think id like it now haha but no i got a common 8-'s name....sarah louise!! x