Tanya's Refeed Diary!! ~* Back On TFR *~

In the big scheme of things that wasnt bad Tan, really! You are at least having healthy options as well :)

Good buy on the tops...i got some nice sexy knickers too last night...oh..... ;-)!
hehe!! My bf wont forget me for the week im away i tell ya ;) :giggle:
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :D xx
If I'm not on here before you go, just wanted to say hope you have a fantastic week away Tanya. Bet you can't wait now. Have a blast!
Arr thanks Bev :) Hope you are doing ok?


B - Jordans Cereal & 100ml semi skimmed milk. Banana.

*packet of cheese doritos

L - 2 slices of wholemeal bread, with 1 slice of ham, lemon and corriander hummus and lf soft cheese & lettuce (made into a sandwich lol). 10 mini cheddars (fed the rest to the dog :giggle:). 3 cherry toms.

*miniature toffee crisp bar
*2 choc digestives
*piece of wholemeal toast with butter :eek: :sigh:

D - chicken stirfry

I am a busy bee today! I am making a birthday cake for my mum's friends mum in law - its her 60th. Got to ice it tomorrow. She also wants a batch of my 'amazing' muffins :)giggle:) and now my brother has just requested a batch.

Looks like im baking all day :D :D :D :D

Edit: for the first time ever since i began cooking whilst on LT i licked my finger :sigh: i'm very dissapointed at myself with this one :(
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I'm doing fine thanks Tanya. Just seem to be maintaining at the mo which is great. Going to be joining a badminton club in a couple of weeks and can't wait. That should help with the maintaining. I haven't played for a club for a long time but really can't wait. Hubby coming too.

Sounds as though you have a busy few days ahead of you before your hols, you'll need it after that.
Indeed bev! Badminton - that was the only P.E session i ever did at school - all the rest i used to bunk off and hide out in the library with me mates :giggle: :)
Busy bee today - have finished and delievered the surprise 60th birthday cake i was asked to make (pics below) got to unpack my case and repack (just to make sure!!! lol), got to spend some time with the bf and then its X-FACTOR!!!!!!!!!!

Food today:

B - Cereal & banana


L - Wholemeal sandwich with chicken, lf soft cheese, hummus. packet of doritos &&&&& a packet of wotsits (pig!)

D - home made chips with grilled chicken me thinks :)
forgot to add the pics :giggle:


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    60th Birthday Cake 002.jpg
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    60th Birthday Cake 022.jpg
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What's that mean mary? x
Ohhhhh :) I have thought about it but i'd need to go get qualifications, and where at the minute is guna take on someone without qualifications in cake making etc ... its poop lol :D x
Tanya, I have just had a text message from Jan and she might not get online later, so she has asked me to wish you a happy holiday.

Enjoy your jollies from me too chick - have a great time in Turkey.
Ahh be sure to tell her i said thanks, and I will make sure i have a vodka for you both :giggle:

Might not get on tomorrow morning guys so will be back in a week hopefully very tanned :)

Our flight is at 18:55 and flying into Antalya Mary as thats where Lara Beach is :)

This time tomorrow i will be in the air!! ahahahhahhhhh so exciting!! :D :D :D :D

I keep checking the weather and monday 35, tuesday 36, wed and thursday 37 :D :D :D :D :D

Although, on the satelite thingy m'bobby thursday has rain over antalya - im praying that the weather man is wrong :D