Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Enjoy your days off! I am on Easter break as of this afternoon; I need to keep myself with school projects until things get rolling again!

Good luck to you; I hope that you will at least STS! :wavey:
Morning all, it's tomorrow the ceiling is being done, today I am out for the day. Have a lovely Thursday everyone x
Morning Taz, enjoy your day out love :)
Morning all! Had a lovely day out yesterday, started off with a brief visit to Barry Island (never been there before so I wanted to see what was there, and No, I've never watched Gavin & Stacey!). STS for me this morning but I am really happy with that as we went out to dinner last night and I felt twice the size when I got back! I still feel stuffed now!!! I was 1lb down yesterday morning so without dinner last night it could have been a good loss. I must get on now, got to finish moving furniture before the bloke gets here to fix the ceiling! Have a great day all
Morning Taz, Barry island is a fun place, I haven't been there for years and years. :) Well done on STS, that's better than gaining love.
Morning Taz, well done on STS, as Jim said it's better than a gain.

I don't like posting on your diary, for some reason when I go back to the "quick links" drop down menu at the top, your "like" bar that tells you how many likes are on this page, covers the "subscribed threads" and I have to click on the bit at the top and go back to it that way!!!!

You must be glad the ceiling is being done at last. You'll have to put some after photos on xx
I have no idea what you are going on about there Nomad! Ha ha

Ceiling is done! I will try to upload the pictures from my phone. The guys done a brilliant job and it is already over half of it dry! I am planning on painting it on Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Here is the new ceiling :D


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Was so glad to hear your ceiling had been done and all leaks stopped - hope this is a turning point for you and Mr Taz x
Morning all! I have a loooooong day ahead, a 10 and a half hour shift followed by a trip to the in-laws :( but then I have a whole week off! Although that will be busy too! Tomorrow I have painting to do then my dad is popping round in the evening to a few jobs here. Tuesday and Wednesday I am in Brum visiting a friend, Thursday will most likely be taken up with more work here and so far no plans for the weekend. We were supposed to be going away but we aren't now so I will probably work. I think I will need a holiday after all that!!!
Morning Taz, that's a long day love, still soon be your week off :)
That is a long day Taz - hope it's fairly good though x
Hope your long shift isn't too busy for you.

Enjoy your time off once it starts. x :)
Hope you've had a good day. Busy day tomorrow too but I'm sure you can take a break for some choccie eggs x
Got no choccy eggs Gem. I did treat myself to a M&S mini choccy bunny yesterday tho :) Yesterday was a very long day. After work I had to get a train to Burnham to meet Mr Taz at the in-laws. I didn't get there til after 7pm, 12 hours after starting work, and I didn't get home til gone 10pm. I am glad of the rest now! Nothing planned for today apart from painting later. I am trying to get up the energy to go out in search of breakfast......
Morning Taz, did you say hello to my Brother in Burnham-on-sea? :D